Julyan to Elliot (Assistant Under-Secretary)
Offices of the Crown Agents for the Colonies
Spring Gardens, London, S.W.
6 August 1863
I have the honor to inform you, for the information of His Grace the Duke of Newcastle, that a Bill of Exchange for £4000, at 60 days sight, drawn by the Governor of British Columbia in favor of The Hudsons Bay Company, has been left at this office, and I have to request that you will furnish me with the Duke of Newcastle's authority for accepting the same.
I have the honor to be
Your most obedient
Humble Servant
Penrose G. Julyan
Minutes by CO staff
Manuscript image
Mr Elliot
ABd 7 Augt
TFE 7/8
Other documents included in the file
Manuscript image
Elliot to Crown Agents, 8 August 1863, authorizing them to accept and pay the bill.
Julyan, Penrose Goodchild to Elliot, Thomas Frederick 6 August 1863, CO 60:17, no. 7686, 108. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria. https://bcgenesis.uvic.ca/B635AG12.html.

Last modified: 2020-03-30 13:22:16 -0700 (Mon, 30 Mar 2020) (SVN revision: 4193)