No 2, Crown Court
Threadneedle Street, E.C.
30 July 1863
My Lord Duke,
May it please Your Grace.
I have the honor to address Your Grace, on a subject in which, I am
sure Your Grace, must be deeply interested; viz. Telegraphic
communication throughout the Colonies of
Vancouver Island and
Columbia; and, ultimately by the proposed new roads through the
River Settlement to Canada; by the Aleutian Islands to China; and by
the Indian Archipelago to Australia.
It is intended to establish "The
British Columbia Telegraph Company,
Limited," and at present, in order, to meet the immediate and pressing
requirements of the Colonies, of
British Columbia and
Vancouver Island,
It is proposed to plan the Inland towns of the former, as far North, as,
Alexandria or
Richfield, in communication with
New Westminster; and the
towns of the latter, with
Victoria; joining, the Two Colonies by
submarine Cable, from
Point Grey,
B.C. to
Nanaimo V.I. and, to place,
the whole, in communication with
San Francisco; the United States, and
Canada; by a junction with the American lines at
Whatcomb, in
Already, has, this matter been laid before His Excellency
Douglas, and the scheme received his countenance and support. The
different members of the Governments, and the Colonists at large,
support the undertaking, knowing, as they do, the many advantages that
would accrue therefrom to themselves.
The importance of such an undertaking in a Political point of view,
I need not mention to Your Grace. On a commercial point of view, the
advantages to the Colonists, and to all who are connected with the
Settlements of
Vancouver Island and
British Columbia must be enormous.
For the due completion of this undertaking, it is necessary, that an
"Act of Assembly" should be passed in
Vancouver Island, and a
"Proclamation" be issued in
British Columbia, granting the necessary
powers for passing over pre-empted, and other lands.
The Projectors have already had interviews with
Mr Carey, who is
the Attorney General for both Colonies, and, he has promised, on behalf
of the Colonial Governments, to support such "Act," and to grant such
"Proclamation" as the Company may require.
I have now the honor to ask Your Grace that Your Grace will take the
matter into Your Grace's favourable consideration, and give it
countenance and support,
Firstly, That Your Grace will so recommend it to the notice of
H.E. The Governor, that the Company may have no difficulty in obtaining
the powers they require.
Secondly, That, as, the proposed capital of the Company at
present, is £100,000, Your Grace will be pleased to recommend to the
British Government to grant to the Company
a subsidy.
The projectors
propose to grant to the Government the free use of their lines in both
Colonies, for ever. In consideration whereof they respectfully ask the
British Government to guarantee a dividend of Five per Centum, on the
£100,000, to the Shareholders, for the first Three years the line is in
operation, provided that trade of the Colonies is not sufficient to pay
such dividend.
Asks for a guarantee of 5o on 100,000 for 3 years in case the
scheme does not pay.
There is little doubt that the Government, would never
be called upon for an farthing of the subsidy.
Thirdly, That Your Grace will recommend to the Colonial
Government to grant in perpetuity to the Company such town lots, and
Sections of land in the roads, as they may require, for the erection of
Want grants of Land on the Line.
Such sections &c to be chosen by the Engineer of
the Company and an Officer appointed by Government.
Fourthly, That Your Grace will be pleased to recommend that
all wire and all necessary materials for the construction of the lines
be admitted, into, and through both Colonies, free of Customs,
and other
Materials to be free of duty.
Fifthly, That the Company should have what assistance, could be
rendered by Her Majesty's Vessels stationed at
Esquimalt, in laying the
submarine Cable across the Gulf of Georgia from
Point Grey,
B.C. to
V.I. and across the
Fraser River at
New Westminster.
Use of H.M. ships in laying the Submarine Cable.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord Duke,
Your Grace's Most Obedient & Very Humble Servant
George Scarby
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
This Office is already pledged to give any encouragement in its power to
Mr Baring's scheme for establishing a passenger traffic and
telegraphic communication across the continent of B.N.A. to our Colonies
on the Pacific. Such a scheme comprizes part of the design described in
this Letter & may, in time embrace telegraphic routes in the
interior as well as across
B. Columbia. For many years to come one
telegraphic line will suffice for
B.C. and though it may expose this
Office to the imputation of supporting a monopoly the circes
of the case
wd justify it, in my opinion, in declining to encourage,
at present, a second project of the same sort. Besides this scheme
takes it rise in a United States line. A quarrel with the U.S.
will at once stop the main operations of this line, & confine its
utility solely to
B.C. &
V.C. Isld, where, it may easily be
conceived, there will not be much demand for telegraphy for a long
while. Then the demands of these projectors seem to me
preposterous—they want a subsidy—and a dividend 5
o per cent on
£100,000 for 3 years, if the trade of the Colonies (a most vague
expression) will not enable a dividend to be paid.
The object I suppose is to elicit such an answer from a Government
office as will serve to run up their shares. Some of the specific
requests appear to me very
cool: such as that for the subsidy, and for the guarantee, for
materials free of duty, and for the use of the Queen's Ships in
laying their cable. As to the request for land on each side of the
line, they might plead the precedent of the Company already approved by
the Duke, and it is a well established encouragement to a good project.
I do not know the name of the gentleman who signs the letter. Even if
the enterprize were to be encouraged, it would be no more than right to
know that the projected Company had some
bonâ fide existence. It is easy enough to get a large sheet of
paper and write at the top offices of such and such a Company, but
persons entitled to attention ought to furnish a list of well known men
who are willing to share in the undertaking. In this case I see no such

list at all. The writer of the letter may be very respectable, but
one must always feel anxious to have some assurances that an answer
extracted from a Government Office should not be meant merely to promote
a bubble project.
If therefore the scheme were to be entertained, I think that we
should first of all demand some more information as to the names and
quality of the persons by whom it is proposed. But on the other hand if
nothing more is known of them than appears from this letter, it is
possible, that for the reasons mentioned by
Mr Blackwood, the Duke
might think that there are grounds enough to say that for an enterprize
of so much difficulty as a telegraphic communication across the
Continent of North America, His Grace is not prepared to hold out the
expectation of assistance from the
Govt to two Companies at the
same time?
It is, however, a question that requires care.
Duke of Newcastle
The answer might be that in any case it
wd be necessary that you
should be furnished with much more information respecting the promoters
of this enterprize than is contained in the present communication before
such an application as that of
Mr Scarby's could be taken into
consideration. But that he would learn from Papers laid before
mt that Y.G. has already promised such amount

of support as
Govt would
be justified in affording to other parties who had in contemplation
the construction of a line of telegraph between Canada &
B. Columbia.
This answer will be safe & proper. I have little doubt that
"George Scarby" is the Company.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Prospectus of the
British Columbia Telegraph Company, Limited, proposing to form a joint stock company.
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to
12 August 1863, requesting more information on the proposed telegraphic line.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
W.A.G. Young, Colonial Secretary, to
D. Huddell,
16 June 1863,
advising that the colonial government would view with satisfaction
any proposal for the establishment of telegraphic links between
various points in the two colonies.