Referring to your letter of the
4th instant in
reply to mine of
6th January last relative to the relief
of the Royal Engineers serving in
B. Columbia who will
have completed the usual term of Foreign Service in
Octr next; I am directed by HRH the FM Commanding in Chief
to request you will call the attention of the
Secy of
State for War to the
London Gazette of
12th Octr 1858
wherein it is notified that
the Queen has been pleased to
Lieutt Col & Brevet Colonel RC Moody, RE to
be Chief Commissioner of Lands & Works for the Colony of
Columbia—& to state that HRH is desirous of being
informed whether, in consideration of the Commission thus
Colonel Moody should be withdrawn from the Colony
at the close of the year with the other Officers & Men,
no exception having been made in his case in the letter from
the Colonial Office of
28th Ultimo forwarded in your
communication alluded to.