Statement showing the balance due by Colonial Office on account of
Royal Engineer detachment,
Vancouver Island
1858 Sept. 14 Finnis & Fisher—Ale, Wine, preserved
Meats & shipped in "
Thames City" 149. 4.4
1859/60 Troughton & Simms—Instruments 120. 2. 6
1859 June 7 Pratt & Savile—Mauls & Handles &c 340.17. 5
Less, paid
31 March 1860 82.9.0 258. 8. 5
1860/61 Lords of Admiralty—Freight of Stores
Vancouvers Island 105. 0. 0
Sept. 1858
to Jan. 1859 Asstt Surn Seddall—Pay 60. 0.0
1858 Feb. 17 Savory & Sons—Medicines 26. 4.10
Army Medical Stores 128.15.10
Evans & Stevens—Instruments 9. 7. 0
Public Stock of Instruments 70.14. 0
Sept. 16 Savory & Sons—Medicines 89. 8. 0
Army Medical Stores 412.10. 1
Weiss & Sons—Instruments 49.19. 0
Public Stock of Instruments 113. 0. 8
1860 Sept. 30 Coll Moody—Pay 394.10. 6
Captn Grant—" 115. 1. 4
Luard—" 115. 1. 4
Lieutt Lempriere—Pay 82. 3.10
Palmer—" 82. 3.10
Asst Surgn Seddall—Pay 82. 3.10
61 Nov. 11 Lords of Admiralty, Expenses incurred
Dr. McBride, Asst
t Surg
Bacchante" in attending A.C.
British Columbia. 2.17. 3
War Office
Pall Mall,
17 Augt, 1863