No. 5, Legislative
2 February 1864
My Lord Duke,
With reference to your Grace's Despatch Seperate of the
June last, and to Her Majesty's Order-in-Council, of the
11th day of June 1863, authorising the Governor of
Columbia to establish a Legislative Council
composed of 15
Members; and to your Grace's instructions in the aforesaid
Despatch, directing that one third of the Members of the said
Legislative Council should consist of persons nominated by the
Residents in the Colony and recognized as representing their
feelings and interests, I have to inform your Grace that
these instructions have been
now fully carried into effect,
and that the Legislative Council was convened, at this place,
and formally opened by me on the
twenty first day of January Ultimo.
2 I will not occupy Your Grace's time by entering into a
detail of the steps by which the nomination of the five
elective Members was effected, but will merely mention
with reference
to that subject, that the Magistrates were
instructed in a letter from the Colonial Secretary dated
16th September last, to promulgate among the inhabitants
of the respective Districts the change authorised, in the system
of Government, by Her Majesty's aforesaid Order-in-Council,
and to desire them to select and forward, through the
Magistrates, for my approval,
the names of five persons
of good character and approved Loyalty, to serve and to
represent their interests in the Legislative Council, and
I further directed that the Members should be apportioned
as follows, to wit:
3. For obvious reasons I did
not consider it expedient to
prescribe the mode of election, or fix the qualifications of
Members or Electors; leaving to the Residents, in every case,
free and unbiased liberty of choice. The proceedings were
conducted in a perfectly orderly manner, and the nominees
are persons of unexceptionable character; I had therefore the
satisfaction of being able in every instance
to approve and confirm them.
4. The Legislative Council now consists of the following
Official and Unofficial Members vizt:
5. I herewith forward a copy of my Speech on the opening
of the Legislative Council and of their address in reply.
6. I have, in conclusion, to state that these proceedings
have given great satisfaction to the people of the Colony at
large, and will, I trust, meet with your Grace's approval.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke
Your Grace's most obedient
Humble Servant
James Douglas
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
There is nothing else to do with this except ack
e it's receipt.
Sir F. Rogers
You may like to see this report of the first selection
of Members of the Legislative Council on the elective principle.
It is satisfactory to see the success of a measure which was
necessarily peculiar and more or less experimental. Approve
the manner in which
Sir J. Douglas carried it into effect,
and say that the
Secy of State has learned with much
pleasure that the result has been satisfactory both to the
Governor and to the people?
Very satisfactory, and it is well that
Sir Jas. Douglas has
been allowed to start the new institutions. Draft accordingly.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Newspaper clipping, unnamed,
25 January 1864,
"Reply of the Legislative Council to the Governor's Speech," signed
H.P.P. Crease, Presiding Member.
Other documents included in the file
People in this document
Ball, Henry Maynard
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Brew, Chartres
Crease, Sir Henry Pering Pellew
Douglas, Sir James
Elliot, Thomas Frederick
Fortescue, 1st Baron Carlingford Chichester
Holbrook, Henry
Homer, Joshua Attwood Reynolds
Nind, Philip H.
O'Reilly, Peter
Orr, James
Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes
Rogers, Baron Blachford Frederic
Sanders, Edward Howard
Smith, Robert Thompson
Places in this document
British Columbia
Cariboo Region
New Westminster