Adverting to my Despatch N
o 10 of the
16th Instant, and
to Your Grace's Despatch N
o 56, of the
2nd October last,
instructing me to cause the sum of £10,704.16.7. to be
repaid to the Imperial Treasury out of the Revenues of the
Colony of
British Columbia, I have the honor to acquaint
Your Grace that
I have by this mail forwarded to the
Crown Agents for the Colonies a copy of the "
Columbia Loan Act
1864," and have authorized them, so
soon as the said Act receives Her Majesty's sanction, to
negotiate the sale of a moiety of the Debentures to be
issued under that Act, and with the first proceeds thereof
to pay the sum aforesaid to Her Majesty's Government in
liquidation of the charge now standing against this Colony.