No. 7
20 May 1864
My Lord Duke,
Your Grace will probably ere this reaches you have received
intelligence of the massacre of 14 out of a party of 17 Europeans
by the Indians at
Bute Inlet in this Colony. The time of
departure of the last mail packet from
Victoria to
San Francisco
did not allow of letters from
New Westminster being transmitted
by her. I now take the earliest opportunity open to me to state
such of the circumstances attending the event as I am acquainted
with, and report the
steps I have taken to prevent further loss of life, and to bring the murderers to
2. It has been a favorite scheme with some capitalists in
Vancouver's Island to open a road from the head of
Bute Inlet
to the gold mines of
Cariboo. The project has not met with much
support in this
colony, inasmuch as the road, if successful,
would divert much traffic from
New Westminster, and cause a
falling off of the tolls on the great rival routes, the "
Lytton" and the "
Douglas Lillooet," on which both sums of money
have been expended. Latterly the
Bute Inlet road
has created
but little interest even in
Victoria and the undertaking has fallen
entirely into the hands of a private speculator,
Mr Alfred Waddington.
3. He has sent several expeditions to the Inlet, and
made himself well acquainted with the country the road would
have to traverse and also, as
he imagined, with the Indians,
by whom it is occupied. The relations between the natives and
the white men seemed satisfactory. The gangs of road makers
who annually resumed the work with each returning Spring, became
more and more confident of a friendly welcome. In
1863 the
men bartered their arms for furs with the Indians, and this
Mr Brewster and the party under his command came over
quite unprotected. Among 17 men there was but one gun.
4. On the evening of the
29th of April all the road
makers went to their blankets in perfect security. Even
the precaution ordinary in the bush of having
one to keep watch
was dispensed with. At the ferry over the
Homathco, 30 miles
from the head of
Bute Inlet, a retired Sapper was left in
charge. Nine miles further up, twelve men slept on the road;
and two miles again beyond them,
Mr Brewster and the remaining
three workmen. As it was only from
the party of twelve that
anyone escaped, it is only in relation to them that my knowledge
of the mode of massacre is complete.
5. The Indians made their attack on this party of tired
labourers, totally unprepared for defence, before day break,
on the
30th of April. The time was well chosen. Not a white
man was up, and those who were suddenly awakened by the sound
of the musket shots and war-whoops found that the first volley
poured in at the tent door had killed most of their companions.
To make sure of all, the Indians pulled down the tent upon
those whom the first
shots had spared and struck at them with
their knives through the canvas.
6. There is but little doubt that
Mr Waddington's party
would have been exterminated but for the fortunate accident
that one of the tents had been pitched within "two steps" of
the precipitous bank
of the
river Homathco, which there
rushes by with minimum velocity.
Moseley, after seeing
the man who slept on either side of him killed, threw himself
over the bank and was carried down by the stream unharmed.
Peterson, with his left arm shattered by shot, followed his
example and was likewise carried to a place
of safety.
stabbed in each side, knocked over the head with the butt
end of a musket, staggered fainting into the bush and was
left for dead. Late in the afternoon he revived and managed
by the following morning to reach the ferry over the
Here he found
Moseley and
Peterson, but the
ferry-man's house
was empty. Blood was splashed about inside and on the road,
across which some heavy body had been dragged to the riverside.
The Scow had been cut adrift, the smaller boat hacked almost
to pieces. It seemed as if the massacre had been in contemplation
for some time and every means adopted
for preventing the return
of any one who might by accident escape from the night attack.
Some friendly Indians here joined the three men and told them
how the ferryman,
Smith, had been killed, by the Chilicoaten
Indians on the evening preceeding the general massacre. They had
witnessed also the total destruction of the small party
who had slept beside
Mr Brewster, the foreman of the gang,
a little in advance of the main party.
8. I have before me the depositions taken by the Police
Magistrate in that town. They shew no cause for the deadly
hatred of the Chilicoaten Indians. The witnesses declare
that there was no provocation given, no tampering with their
women or abuse of the men.

The incentive to the slaughter
remains unknown, and the deponents fall back in their conjectures,
on cupidity. But this seems an insufficient motive. The property
of small value, the rough clothes, and poor provisions of the
road makers would offer but a small temptation to the commission
so terrible an outrage. Some people say that
Mr Waddington's
party may have given offence by carrying the road into the
territory of the Chilicoaten Indians without asking permission.
But this again breaks down, inasmuch as the perpetrators of the
massacre are, it is believed, the very Chilicoaten Indians who
assisted them in their
labours. Others throw out the conjecture
that the proceedings previous to
Sir James Douglas's departure,
have induced the Indians to believe that the white men are left
without a head. Possibly so. We know that the more civilized
tribes on the
Fraser have been allowed to believe that they are
now without a protector or a
9. The most plausible supposition was made to me verbally
Moseley. There may have been, he thinks, a quarrel between
Smith, the ferryman, and some Indians.
Smith was a man of violent
character and irregular habits. The quarrel may have led to blows.
blows to death. A dread of punishment may have arisen. Hence
probably the throwing of the body into the river and the cutting
adrift of the Scow. To conceal the one murder, the general
massacre may have been undertaken. This last hypothesis
would assume a greater fear of the power
of the white men than I
can venture to suppose exists in the breast of the Indians. All
remains mere guess work respecting the motives which caused this
melancholy incident.
10. The town site at
Bute Inlet, and the country through which
the road runs for the first thirty miles, is in the joint
occupation of the
Cayoosh and Ludataw Indians both, we
trust, friendly to the English. The next tribe met with in
advancing is a small one; an offshoot of the Chilicoaten
Pellot is their Chief, and he was seen taking
an active part in the destruction of the white men. Behind
Cascade Mountains, among which this small tribe live,
the great body of the Chilicoatens occupying a fine open
Country extending Northward, probably 150 miles, by 120 East
and West. A deadly feud existed until recently between them
and the Coast Indians—Cayoosh & Ludataw—but two years
Mr Waddington succeeded in making peace between
tribes, who have since remained on tolerable terms though
still suspicious of each other.
11. From all the evidence before me it appears clear that
the offshoot members of the Chilicoaten tribe under
were alone concerned in
the massacre. There were no strangers
seen by the survivors. The work of slaughter was performed by
the sixteen men who had for some weeks performed the drudgery
of the Camp. The spot where the white men perished is situated
in a desolate and rugged country. The only tolerable access to
it is by
Waddington's road and that is not available to
the assassins who would be exposed to the summary vengeance
of the Coast Indians. They cannot remain where they are. There
is nothing there to support life. They must therefore have pushed
on over the mountains and torrents towards the
open country
inhabited by the parent tribe. The fishing season is attracting
thousands of Indians to the lakes in the Chilicoaten Country,
and we can tell, with an approach to precision, where the
murderers are now to be found.
12. The steps taken by me in this conjuncture are the
following. I have despatched
Mr Brew,
the Police Magistrate
New Westminster, with a party of 28 Special Constables
in the gunboat "
Forward" to
Bute Inlet. These men are volunteers
unused to bush life, and armed with rifles and revolvers.
Mr Brew will collect all the information and assistance he can
from the Coast Indians and advance with his party as far as
the place where the massacre took place, thirty nine miles
from the Inlet. He will first see if there are any survivors
Mr Waddington's party. There, on the present terminus
of our road, the Scene of our mishap,
Mr Brew will consider
what is next to be done, and principally whether it is possible
to push on through the singularly difficult country before
him into the open land beyond. He will send an express to me
and ask for reinforcements, should the expedition be carried
further. There are fortunately four months provisions at the
head of
Bute Inlet, but I do not at present see that the men
could have any sufficient base of operations and supply
they traverse the mountains and appear on the plains, tired,
certainly, after a three weeks struggle over an impracticable
country, and their numbers perhaps thinned by sickness. A
forced retreat over the mountains again, would probably entail
an amount of disaster which I could scarcely allow myself to
contemplate. I am of
opinion therefore that
Mr Brew's party
will not advance beyond the spot where their communications are secure.
13. My main reliance for the capture of the murderers and
the vindication of the law is in a mounted expedition which
I have ordered to be despatched from
Alexandria on
Fraser. The prairies extend almost up to the river, food can
be transported for the men, grass is found for the horses.
William Cox, one of the Gold Commissioners of
Cariboo will
command a force of about 50 men, sworn constables also—for
we wish to proceed legally—but a formidable body, safe in the
plains against all Indian attack.
I have been obliged to leave
very much to
William Cox's discretion, but it is believed he will
at once proceed to the head quarters of
Alexis, the great Chief
of the Chilicoaten tribe, shew his warrant and explain that
the Queen's law must have its course. He will support his
application for redress by shewing my proclamation offering a
reward of £50
for the apprehension of each of the murderers,
and I allow myself to hope that his mission will not be
unsuccessful. I see no other means of dealing with the matter.
When your Grace is informed that the wages of
William Cox's
party must be those prevailing in the Gold Mines of
and that all the supplies will have to be purchased
at the
exorbitant rates there prevailing, you will see that I am
making an immense sacrifice of the finances of the Colony for
the maintenance of its honor and the support of the law.
14. I wish to impress upon your Grace that this is, as
yet, no war. I have rejected all
offers of assistance beyond
the Colony from men bent on vengeance. I aim at securing
justice only. We have therefore in the field but Magistrates
and Constables. Extraneous assistance may ultimately be required.
At present
Alexis will see in
William Cox's band many familiar
faces, which he will recognize as those of friendly but
determined men.
15. Much time has unfortunately been lost in taking proper
steps to assert our authority. But not by me. I beg distinctly
however to be understood as not making a complaint against
anyone in the Statement I submit.
1. The news of the ferryman's murder reached Victoria
on the 5th April.
2. The authentic intelligence of the
Massacre, was
brought by the survivors, on the early morning of
the 11th. Yet no information was despatched to me until
mid-day on
Friday the 13th. There was a frigate and two gunboats
Esquimalt harbour but the letter was sent to me by the
regular Mail Steamer which had about 150 tons of freight on
The news reached me at half past ten at night. Within
half an hour I had applied to the Senior Naval Officer on the
Station for assistance, and by three in the morning my application
New Westminster, the intervening hours of the night having
been taken up in discharging, at the expense of the Government
with all the strength that could be procured, the heavy cargo
of the Mail Steamer. On that same morning the instructions
William Cox for the organization of his party were despatched,
Mr Brew and his men were in readiness to await a reply
Lord Gilford the Senior Naval Officer.
3. On
Sunday at 10.30 the gun boat "
Lord Gilford on board arrived. She was despatched at 6 p.m. with
Mr Brew and his force.
16. The distances to be traversed by
Mr Cox and his
party are very great, and I fear I shall not be able to report
any satisfactory results to your Grace under three months. I
sincerely hope I may be able to do so at the expiration of
time. But there is a painful incident in this case, which I
have as yet omitted to mention. Six of
Mr Waddington's road
party were sent by way of
Bentinck Arm to commence operations
on the other side of the
Cascade Range. Their course will almost
inevitably have brought them in contact with the murderers of
fellow labourers. This was known in
Victoria. Why were
two days lost in communicating with me?
17. I shall address your Grace in another despatch of this
day's date respecting the defenceless condition of this Colony.
Situated as we now are, an Indian insurrection might become a
war for existence, carried on any how by the Settlers & diggers
against an overwhelming native population.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke
Your Grace's most
obedient humble Servant
Frederick Seymour
Minutes by CO staff
Sir F. Rogers
Mr Fortescue
What is to done, & what is to be said. The first question
was on a dph
wh I sent on rather hurriedly yesterday. I
assume that soldiers will not be sent out—but that the Adm
may be written to stating that while
Mr C. fully recognizes
the propriety of instructing
Adml Denman not to detach
officers & men for expeditions into the interior, he hopes that
instructions will be given calculated to secure that the two gunboats
which were sent out for the special protection of
B. Columbia,
shall so direct their movements as to be most available for
that purpose, in case of an emergency—either by the conveyance
of persons or messages, or by demonstrations

on the Coast, upon
the supposition (which does not at present appear probable) that
such demonstrations are required.
Next as to what is to be said I would write to
Mr Seymour
expressing regret—approving the the [sic] promptitude & vigour
with which he has acted, sending him a copy of the C.O. letter
to the Admiralty & expressing a hope that nothing will occur
to interfere with a cordial cooperation between himself & the
Admiral on the station—embodying the hint that he must not
speak about "despatching" HM's Ships, quoting with approval
the passages marked expressing satisfaction that he is fully
alive to the consequences wh. an "Indian" War
wd entail
upon the Colony: & trusting that he will be especially careful
not to take any measures, which may convert an isolated outrage
perpetrated by a band of murderers into a Tribal War.
Add that
Cardwell is sensible of the expense which is
thrown upon the Colony by these operations but observe that
they are undertaken exclusively in the interest of the Colony,
& that the expense is in a great measure due to the high rate
of profits which the Colonists are realizing and therefore can
hardly be viewed as any matter of complaint.
Write to
Governor Kennedy stating that
Mr Cardwell has
received from
British Columbia accounts of this lamentable
massacre, and that it appears by these accounts that the first
news of the first murder (that of the ferryman
Smith) reached
Victoria on the
5 Apl, that authentic

news of the General
Massacre was received early on the
11th, and that no steps
were taken by the
Govt to send on intelligence of so great
importance to the
Govt of the Colony concerned, till the
departure of the Mail Steamer at its usual time at Midday on
Friday the 13th. Observe also that it is added that at the
period when this delay took place it was known in
Victoria that
a road party was then travelling on a course which if they
were not recalled would probably bring them into contact with
the Indians who were authors of the massacre & may in fact
have done so, and request explanation.
I do not see how this
appeal to
Govr Kennedy can be avoided though I am afraid
it is not likely to cause a pleasant feeling, or

improve an
unpleasant one between him &
Mr Seymour.
Gov. Seymour as above.
To Admiralty saying that no interference is intended with the auth
of the Naval officers: & trusting that such orders will from
time to time be given to their Officers as will ensure efficient
protection to life & property &c.
Govr Kennedy, inquiring whether any measures were taken for
the safety of the road party? drawing the Despatch so as to
avoid, so far as possible, the objection suggested by
Sir FR.
Other documents included in the file
People in this document
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Brew, Chartres
Buckley, Philip
Cardwell, Edward
Cox, William George
Denman, Rear Admiral Joseph
Douglas, Sir James
Fortescue, 1st Baron Carlingford Chichester
Kennedy, Arthur
Meade, Captain Lord Gilford Richard
Moseley, Edward
Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes
Peterson, Peter A.
Rogers, Baron Blachford Frederic
Seymour, Governor Frederick
Smith, Timothy
Waddington, Alfred Penderell
Vessels in this document
HMS Forward, 1855-1869
Places in this document
Bentinck Arm
British Columbia
Bute Inlet
Cariboo Region
Cascade Mountains
Esquimalt Harbour
Fraser River
Homathko River
New Westminster
San Francisco
Vancouver Island