No. 8
20th May 1864
My Lord Duke,
In my despatch of even date on the subject of the
Inlet massacre I mentioned that I proposed to address your
Grace respecting the defenceless state of this Colony. I wish
to make no unreasonable requests. I prefer no complaints.
2. During
2. During my administration of the Government of
there seldom passed any long interval of time without my having
to make application for the support of a ship of war. I cannot
call to my mind a single occasion in which reluctance was shewn
to furnish me with the aid required. Whether addressed to
Jamaica or
Greytown my
applications were at once complied with.
3. In
British Columbia I find the arrangements in these matters
very different. A frigate and two gunboats were in
Island when the news of the massacre was received; but the
transmission to me of the intelligence was delayed two days, and
then sent by the ordinary mail
In his other draft,
Mr Seymour lays much stress on this 2 days
delay. Perhaps
Govr K-y has an explanation.
My urgent request for naval assistance was, after some hesitation,
complied with by the Senior Naval Officer, to the extent of supplying
the gunboat "
Forward," coupled
with the request that she should be detained in the Colony as
short a time as possible.
I am therefore left in doubt whether she is available for keeping up the
communication between
head quarters and the force I have despatched to
Inlet under
Mr Brew.
Wh is clearly legitimate.
Your Grace will have seen from the statements made
in my despatch above referred to, that I am not grudging in
the expenditure of the resources of this Colony, but the want
of a sea-going steamer—cannot be supplied here. We have river
steamers drawing 18 or 20 inches, with two or more stories
of cabins
upon them, which would not be safe in rough water.
I have done what I can to make up for our deficiencies, by
despatching an Agent to purchase from my own travelling
allowance a small vessel at
Portland in the
state of Oregon.
I shall not however be able to depend upon her in bad weather.
4. At this present moment
there are in
Esquimalt harbour
three vessels of war. The "
Tribune" frigate, the "
sloop and the gunboat "
Grappler." In
British Columbia we have
merely the gunboat "
Forward," which I have been requested
to return as early as possible.
Lord Gilford the present
Senior Officer has, though with perfect civility, thus
disposed of my urgent
application for aid, in a crisis which
may be one of great importance to the Colony. He informed
me, it is true, that the "
Tribune" has not sufficient steam
power to proceed to the head of
Inlet, and that the
Grappler" has received severe damage in a cruize to the
Mr Brews expedition, it should also be added had
been dispatched before the arrival of the "
Columbine" at
Esquimalt was known to
Lord Gilford. The great urgency for
her assistance had therefore passed before I was informed that
she could not be spared for service in this Colony.
5. I am ignorant of the instructions furnished to the
Admiral of the Pacific Station, and it may be beyond the power
of any subordinate
authority, if even of the Admiral himself,
to employ ships of large size in the navigation of this coast;
but I should conceive that the gunboats ought to be freely placed
at the disposal of the Governor of
British Columbia
Admy will object to phrase.
in any case of emergency, when their services are not indispensably
required in
Vancouvers Island. Or that if the "
Grappler" and "
are specially attached to the neighbouring Colony, one or two
vessels of the class might be allotted to this. This large and
important province which now costs the Imperial Government
absolutely nothing for its maintenance, and does not absorb
a fraction of Her Majesty's
land forces, has claims I conceive,
in the still early stage of its existence, to receive a share
of the naval protection the mother country affords to other and
less exposed prossessions.
6. I regret that I have to make these representations
at the particular time when a person so obliging and anxious
to please in other respects as
Lord Gilford, is
Senior Naval
Officer. But it is well at the outset, that I should understand
what assistance I may expect from Her Majesty's Naval forces,
in case there should be an imminent risk of isolated massacres
swelling into insurrection.
7. I should add that the fear of the Indians is now very
general along the coast, and that I have been requested by the
workmen in the Copper Mines of
Queen Charlotte's Island to
afford them some protection or else permit them temporarily
to abandon their labours, with the right to resume them at
some safer time. My reply is that I can afford no naval protection,
but that the Company will not forfeit their Charter should they
now have
to retire from the island.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke
Your Grace's most obedient
humble Servant
Frederick Seymour
[P.S.] The gentleman who copied this despatch for me has called
my attention to the despatches named in the margin
from which it appears that the "
Grappler" & "
Forward" were specially
sent out for the service of
British Columbia. I shall call
Lord Gilford's attention to these papers.
Minutes by CO staff
Sir F. Rogers
This despatch opens a [ticklish?]
Sir E. Lytton
insisted upon the Admiralty supplying a couple of Gun boats
for service in
B. Columbia and forced that
Dt into saying
that they would send them. But that was all that was done.
No gun boats ever reached the Colony—nor do I remember that
except on acc
t of the misconduct of some Coast Indians
the assistance of the Naval Authorities on the Station has
been ever asked for by
Sir E. Lytton further obtained a small force of
Engineers—who were stationed in the Colony for the double
purpose of affording Military protection, & of making
roads, laying out land, & being the pioneers in the
Wilderness. These men have been withdrawn, & the Colony
has neither ships, or soldiers. But is it necessary for
the Colony to have either one or the other at its own
disposal? In my opinion it is not. Excluding from
consideration the possibility of a foreign invasion, which
wd have to be dealt with by Imperial resources, what
enemies have the Colonists? Only discord and tumults among
themselves, and Indians, who though crafty and revengeful
are not of that fierce warlike character which belongs to
many other tribes. If I am right in this impression the
Colonists ought to be able, & ought to be told that they
wd be expected, to combine for their self protection.
It may be expensive to have a strong force of Constables
stationed in different parts of the Country, but it is one
of the consequences of the gold attractions of the Colony,
& can happily be paid for. The great thing, in my view,
is for the Governor himself to bear in mind, & for him to
impress on his subordinates, that there is the same
retribution for offences by Indians as by whites: & that
the misconduct of Indians, too often provoked by the Whites,
should not drag him or others into regarding their behaviour
as a
Tribal affair. The greatest care should be taken
to distinguish between the crimes of Individual Indians and
of Tribes. If the
Govr treats a massacre by a dozen Indians
as a Tribal affair & follows it up by retribution in that
sense we shall speedily step into a war.
I shd wish to add that an understanding shd be
come to with the Admy to afford the Colony liberal
assistance in case of emergency, seeing how unprotected
it is, & how rare have been the demands made on the naval
force by the Colony in the course of 5 years.
Mr Fortescue
It seems to me that the Adm
y m
t possibly be urged
to give such instructions to their Officers as
calculated to ensure hearty cooperation with the authorities
of the Colony and to secure that at least the two Gunboats
are especially sent from England for the assistance of
this Colony
shd be made available in crises of this kind.
The recent Adm
y instructions grounded in
Mr Seymour's
private letter m
t be almost understood by the officer
receiving it that he was to do as little as possible.
People in this document
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Brew, Chartres
Fortescue, 1st Baron Carlingford Chichester
Lytton, Sir Edward George Earle Bulwer
Meade, Captain Lord Gilford Richard
Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes
Rogers, Baron Blachford Frederic
Seymour, Governor Frederick
Vessels in this document
HMS Forward, 1855-1869
HMS Grappler, 1856-1883
HMS Tribune, 1853-1866
Places in this document
British Columbia
British Honduras
Bute Inlet
Esquimalt Harbour
Haida Gwaii
Oregon Territory, or Columbia District
Vancouver Island