No. 60
My despatch No. 3 of the
26th April, begging that the
order issued by the
Duke of Newcastle for the payment of ten
thousand seven hundred and four pounds 16
d (£10,704.16.7)
for the buildings
erected by the Royal Engineers in this Colony, might not be
enforced was crossed by His Grace's despatch, No. 6 of the
April, stating that the money must be
2. I presume that the payment is for the general services
rendered to the Colony, not for the value of the buildings.
Erected of the slightest materials without regard to appearances
and being essentially
a Camp, the Engineer quarters
are but of little value to the Colony.
Sir Edward Lytton's
despatch No. 61 of the
10th December 1858, gives as one of
the reasons for sending out a detachment of Engineers, "these
being the soldiers who could with the most ease and rapidity
cover themselves, and I thus enabled you to postpone costly
buildings for the accommodation
of troops until you could raise
from Colonial Resources the means by which such improved
accommodation might be provided." The Engineers have "with
rapidity covered themselves," and it appears to me that the
Colonial resources have to pay for "improved accommodation."
The Camp was erected without any view to the buildings being
ultimately converted to Civil purposes.
3. I must however state that I am at present in the
occupation of
Colonel Moody's house, which, I have made at the
expense of the Colony, tolerably habitable and which will
obviate for a few years, if
the Colony continues to languish,
the necessity of building a Government House. Here the Colony
has clearly profited by the Engineers buildings.
Colonel Moody
laid out, I am told, one thousand pounds (£1,000) on this house. Could
not this sum be fairly accepted by Her Majesty's Treasury as a
settlement in full?
4. I have seen in the West Indies the Imperial Troops
Marched out of magnificent barracks, which were at once handed
over to the Colonial Authorities without charge. The Military
stores were given with the buildings and soon afterwards sold
for the benefit of the Colony. If we could become possessed
of buildings like those at the
Ridge, Antigua or
Hill St. Kitts, I would most willingly pay double the amount
claimed for the perishable huts on the
5. The enforcement of this claim will fall with peculiar
severity on the Colony just now when we have to pay the expenses
of the late Chilicoten insurrection but should you still desire
the ten thousand seven hundred and four pounds 16
(£10,704.16.7) to be repaid to the Treasury, you might perhaps instruct
the Colonial Agents to pay it out of the
proceeds of the New Loan.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
The cost of these Buildings is, you are aware provided
for in the Colonial Estimates. It has already been decided
that the Colony should pay the Sum of £10704, for them—a
large amount, if the frail buildings cannot be turned to
any permanent use, either for Civil or Military purposes.
Mr Fortescue
Governor Seymour seems to me to show strong reasons
for considering it rather a hardship if the Colony is
forced to pay the large sum of £10704 for the Huts which
the Royal Engineers have vacated, and which will be of no
great value to the Colony. These fabrics, such as they
are, it must be remembered, have long been built, and their
cost paid, and the only question is whether the Colony should
be forced to repay the amount to the Imperial Exchequer.
On general grounds my opinion is that it is not only
illiberal but impolitic, to deal hardly in such cases with
a new Colony. I would beg leave to draw particular attention
Governor Seymour's remarks on the precedents in the West
Indies. England is a great Country and it has not been her
custom in vacating buildings which she no longer requires in
young or poor Communities, to exact payment of their value.
It must be a question for
Mr Cardwell however, whether or
not he will make any representation on the subject to the Treasury.
The Colony seems to me to have a good case. The expenditure
upon the Barracks was purely military.
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to
G.A. Hamilton, Treasury,
29 January 1865, forwarding
correspondence on the subject and advising that the reasons offered
by the governor appeared worthy of consideration.