I have the honour to inform you that the Committee of the
Hudsons Bay Company have sent
Dr Rae to Ruperts Land with
a view to ascertaining the Best and most practicable route for
an Electric Telegraph across the Company's Territory from
River to the head of
Frasers River or thereabouts. The Committee
are anxious that
Dr Rae whilst he is in the Country may have
an opportunity of surveying (roughly at least), the probable
route for a line of Telegraph from the head waters of the
New Westminster, but they are apprehensive that in making an
examination of this kind without the authority of the Government
British Columbia the Hudsons Bay Company may appear to be
assuming rights which they do not possess beyond the
Mountains. The Committee would therefore request that instructions
may be given to the Governor of
British Columbia to permit such
an examination to be made by
Rae as a necessary step with
a view to future arrangements.