Hamilton to Rogers (Permanent Under-Secretary)
Treasury Chambers
20th May 1864
With reference to your letter of the
16th Ultimo
announcing the appointment of
Mr C.B. Franks to be
Treasurer of
British Columbia, I am desired by the Lords
Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury to transmit herewith
a Copy of a letter that has been addressed by Their Lordships
to the European Assurance Society on the subject of the
Accounts of that Colony, and I am to request that you will
Mr Secretary Cardwell to communicate the same to
the Governor in order that there may
be no misunderstanding
on the part of the Officer who has recently been appointed
Colonial Secretary as to his duties as Auditor of the
Treasurer's Accounts in conformity with the instructions
1848, copies of which were forwarded in the letters of
this Board of
29th December 1858 and
24th November
of the same year;
My Lords take this occasion of observing that the
Regulations of
1839 for the custody of Public Moneys under
which a Maximum Balance to be retained in the hands of the
Colonial Treasurer should be paid by the Governor, has not
yet been
carried out
carried out in
British Columbia;
They are of opinion that the Governor's attention should be
called to the Several Regulations contained in Chapter 9 of the
Book of Colonial Regulations relating generally to the
custody of Public Monies, and that he should be instructed
forthwith to give effect to those Regulations—especially
as regards the Survey's of the Funds in the Chest at the
regular Quarterly periods, as well as at uncertain
periods and without previous notice.
I enclose herewith separate Copies of the Regulations
of 1839, and of the Forms.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
ne rec
t and say that
Mr Cardwell will
transmit to the Governor copies of this Letter, with
the regulations & forms therein enclosed, and direct
the Governor to cause full effect to be given to them.
(And of course so write.)
Add that
Mr Cardwell wd be glad to be informed as
soon as the question of
Mr Frank's securities
has been arranged in order that he may announce to
the Governor the selection that has been made for the Treasurership.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Note on microfilm as follows:
"Folios 199r-203v. being too large, will be photographed later."
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to
27 May 1864, advising that copy
of his letter and enclosed regulations and forms would be forwarded
to the colony, and enquiring into the status of
Franks's securities.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Blackwood
N.B. The draft of a despatch to the Governor
seems to be also required?
Other documents included in the file