A provoking kind of question. In
1849 V.C. Island (with
appurtenances) was granted to the HBC.
In the same year
Govr Blanshard was by his commission
Govr of "
V.C.I. and the islands adjacent." This was
repeated in
Govr Douglas' commission
1851. 21 & 22 Victoria,
c. 99
1858 defined
B. Columbia declaring that no part of the
"Colony of
shd be comprised therein and 26 & 27
Vict. c. 83 (
1863) defined
B. Columbia to comprise such & such
Territories "except
V.C.I. and the Islands adjacent thereto."
I should be disposed to include in VCI 1. All those island
(being in HM's dominion)
wh are south of the 49
th Parallel.
2. Those
wh are on the Vancouver side of

the main channel
between that Island & the mainland.
The word "adjacent"—being used in an Act of Parlt
cannot be conclusively interpreted by the Executive—but I shd
think the question mt be practically settled by asking the
Admiralty to advise us as to a line, and directing the two
Governors to adopt it.
The department have br
t to my notice an Act of Parl
t (12 &
13 Vict. c. 48) of the existence of
wh I was unaware when
I wrote my minute upon 4583
B. Columbia, & also when I drafted
B. Columbia Act 26 & 27 Vict. c. 83.
The result is, that the boundary question is more perplexed
than I thought.
The Act 12 & 13 Vict. c. 48. SS 4 defines
V.C.I. to contain
"all such Islands adjacent to
or to the western coast of N. America & forming part of the
Dominion of H.M. as and to the southward of the 52
nd degree of N.
The Act 21 & 22 Vict. c 99. SS 6 declared that "no part of
the Colony of
V.C.I. as at present established shall be comprised
B. Columbia" leaving all the above Islands to
But the Act 26 & 27 Vict. c. 83. SS 3

repealed the 1
section of the Act 21 & 22 Vict.—continued the remaining
Sections including of course SS 6.1 till
31 Dec 1863 (SS 2) and
then enacted (SS 3) that
B. Columbia should comprise "
Charlottes Island & all other Islands adjacent to the said
Territories" (viz the mainland of
B. Columbia) "except
Vancouvers Island & the Islands adjacent thereto" omitting to
except & therefore, it may be argued, including in
B Columbia
the islands in the
Gulf of Georgia &c which are adjacent to
the "W. Coast of North America" than to
The Governors Commission (by
wh I was guided when
drafting the Act of 26 & 27 Vict) defines the Colony as
V.C.I. & the

Islands adjacent thereto, with
mention of the W. Coast of N.A.
I believe it will be safest to ask the L.O. whether under
these Acts the Islands adjacent to the W.C. of N America belong
B. Columbia or to
If they all continue to belong to
V.C. Island it will
simplify the question, & also I suppose will much facilitate
smuggling into
B.C. But it will not be a natural division.