I am aware that I have not communicated with you as
fully and rapidly recently as I ought to have done. My
first apology must be an extreme pressure of business
during the Legislative Session. My second, the

irregularity of the postal arrangements. The American
Steamers are very irregular in their arrival at
and during the winter the Hudson's Bay Company run their
Steamers as seldom as they can to
New Westminster.
I presume that the Governor of
Vancouver Island will
have informed you of the

efforts made in that Colony to
procure annexation to this. Here the feeling is strongly
opposed to the proposed connection. Indeed I cannot see how
it could in any way benefit
British Columbia, and it is
impossible to avoid perceiving how under the former Government
this colony was unduly depressed to raise
Victoria to an
artificial prosperity.
New Westminster presented a miserable
aspect of decay and disappointment while
Victoria, though
immediately more prosperous in appearances, astonished all
strangers at the little progress a town, through which had
passed many millions of gold, had made.
Among the means adopted by the peoples of
Victoria, for
bringing about union have been that

of trying to create in our
mining population dissatisfaction with the financial arrangements
of this Colony. I enclose an address presented to me by a body of
Victoria Shopkeepers and
Cariboo miners together with my reply.
These will be found enclosed in Governors Despatch No 30 of 21
March 65.
There are but three names in the three hundred which would carry weight
Cariboo, and it is by no means out of respect for the
petitioners that I have
answered so fully. My answer appears
to have given satisfaction, and I would beg leave very
respectfully to call your attention to the statements it contains.
I learn on enquiry from the Governor of
Island that he sent on to you without notice to me, or
comment from himself, certain resolutions and statements
prepared and made by the

so called Chamber of Commerce of
Victoria. The statements are very incorrect and I have
expressed to
Governor Kennedy my regret that he should have
sent them on without my having the opportunity of refuting them.
This correspce between the 2 Governors is annexed. It ought to be
attached to 5153
There seems every likelyhood
of our having a rush to the newly discovered gold diggings. The

is however unusually unfavourable & the upper roads blocked with snow.
The Legislative Session is progressing satisfactorily
and I expect to prorogue next week.
The telegraph which will connect this place with
Newfoundland will be completed in about 10 days.
I trust that you will forgive this informal

made just as the steamer is about to sail.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
Mr Seymour is backward in sending home the
B.C. Customs
Ordinance, which has given rise to some excitement in
When it arrives & comes under cons
n the
Cariboo Petition &
the Governor's ans
r may be useful.
I do not see that the contents of this desph provoke
much action on our part.
Sir F. Rogers
We can do nothing until we see the Ordinance. Wait?
Put by. The Ordinance having been dealt with?
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Note in file: "Folios 297-299 not photographed. Newspaper,
The Government Gazette-British Columbia Vol: 4, N
o 12,
25th March 1865."