I have the honor to forward an Authenticated and two
plain Copies of an Ordinance of the recent Session of the
Legislature of this Colony, entitled;
No. 5. An Ordinance
to encourage the construction of
a Line of Telegraph, connecting the Telegraphs of
Columbia with the Telegraph Lines of Russia, the United
States and other Countries, and for other purposes.
I add the Report of the Attorney General.
2. This Act was introduced by my direction to carry out
the terms offered to the
Collins Telegraph Company in
Frederick Roger
Frederick Roger's letter to
Mr Collins of
14th January
1864. The Company not being represented in the Colony at
the time of the passing of the Ordinance, certain alterations
were made in the Bill during its discussion in the House,
but the Ordinances No. 18 of the
3rd of April, and No. 28
of the
11th of April,
These numbers for the present year have not been yet recd.
give further aid to the
Telegraph Company, and places them in a position with which
they are satisfied.