No. 77
My Predecessor and myself have had on many occasions
to report respecting the great injury inflicted upon the
Indians by the traffic in whisky carried on by some traders
Victoria on the North West Coast of this
Colony. It is
not long ago since I informed you of the killing of one
native Constable and the wounding of others by Whisky
smugglers at
Metlakahtla. With the deepest regret I
now report the murder, under somewhat similar circumstances,
Mr Ogilvy, the Collector of Customs at
Bella Coola,
North Bentinck Arm. I enclose Copy of the depositions taken
Mr Brew, the Police Magistrate of
New Westminister.
They will give you a correct idea of the
manner in which
the Whisky trade is carried on and show that the deceased
gave no provocation which could palliate in any way the
attack which was made on him.
Mr Ogilvy was an excellent and valuable public
Officer. I refer to the testimony borne to his merits in
my despatches No. 69 of
23rd Novr 1864, and No. 10
25th February 1865, where I announce his appointment
to the Office he held so short a time.
3. It is at least gratifying to me when reporting one
more fatal episode in this demoralizing trade to mention that
Bella Coola Indians behaved on this, as on every other
occasion, since the
Bute Inlet massacres caused us to rely
on their assistance, in the most admirable manner. These
Indians who formerly bore an execrable character on the
and whose Chief settlement still stands as "Rascals' Village"
on all the old maps, have proved within the last year most
jealous and efficient friends to the white men.
Antoine, the murderer, escaped late on a dark night,
in a small boat by himself. Four shots were fired after him,
and a gale of wind came on shortly after his departure.
Nothing has been heard of himsince
since and it is not unlikely
that he may have perished. At the villages below the spot
where he left the "
Langley" no trace of him could be procured.
We know that the
Bella Coola Indians would capture him should
he venture to return to them, so we presume that, if
be alive, he has taken refuge among the Comsquit Indians
at the head of
Deans' Canal, rarely visited by White men. If
so, he would probably
endeavour to make his way across the
country to
Cariboo, I have therefore caused timely notice
to be given to the Magistrates of that district, and have
furnished them with copies of a Proclamation by which I offer
two hundred pounds reward for the apprehension of the murderer.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
Express regret at this occurrence, and a hope that the
Murderer may be arrested and dealt with according to Law.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Deposition taken before
Chartres Brew, Justice of the Peace,
25 May 1865, recording the information of
John W. Smith on the
circumstances of the murder.
Deposition taken before
5 June 1865, recording the
information of
Mike Wenovich on the circumstances of the murder.
Deposition taken before
5 June 1865, recording the
information of
John Collins on the circumstances of the murder.
Other documents included in the file
People in this document
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Brew, Chartres
Cardwell, Edward
Collins, John
Elliot, Thomas Frederick
Ogilvy, John D. B.
Seymour, Governor Frederick
Smith, John W.
Wenovich, Mike
luccavage, Antoine
Vessels in this document
Schooner unavailableLangley
Places in this document
Bella Coola
Bute Inlet
Cariboo Region
Deans' Canal
New Westminster
North Bentinck Arm