I have learnt with much regret, from your Despatch No.
7, of
24th February, that the Lords Commissioners of the
Treasury have determined that the Colony shall pay for the
huts and other wooden buildings erected for the
of the detachment of the Royal Engineers near
New Westminster,
which are utterly without value to us.
2. This decision having been concurred in by you, I must
take it as final, and the only indulgence I now solicit is that
the Colonial Agents may be allowed to defer the payment to the
Imperial Treasury of the ten thousand seven hundred and four
pounds 16/7 (£10,704.16.7), until
the whole of the Loan authorized to
be raised by the Colony has been taken up.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
Par: 2 raises an awkward question: for the Debentures go
off slowly & unsatisfactorily as you are aware. This request
of the Governor indicates that there is no margin at his Bankers,
or at any rate that he is driven rather closely for money.
I suppose we have no alternative except to back up this
request at the T-y.
Mr Cardwell
I do not feel quite sure whether it is a subject for writing
to the Treasury. They have said that they must be paid, and we
have agreed that they are to be paid. The Crown Agents are
gradually getting money for the debentures as opportunities
offer, and pay off all the outstanding liabilities with the
proceeds in such order as seems convenient when the money is
realized. We are not making the payments under the Orders of
the Treasury, and they will be paid in their turn.
They have never asked to be paid before other people. My
judgement therefore would be for putting this Despatch by.
The Treasury may be informed of this Despatch, & reminded that
the demand was unexpected & it is not surprizing, therefore that
there should be some difficulty in making immediate provision for it.