In the Autumn of
1862, a Constable travelling with
O'Reilly, the Gold Commissioner of the
Cariboo District was
robbed of a sum of Public Money amounting to five hundred
eighty six pounds 5
d (£586.5.10).
Since that date
Mr O'Reilly has
been held responsible for the amount and it still appears as
a balance against his Collectorate in the Books of the Treasury.
Mr O'Reilly has recently applied to me to know if the
Secretary of State has relieved him of his liability in this
matter but I cannot find that the subject has ever been
before the Colonial Office although in a Minute attached to the
original correspondence
Sir James Douglas desires that
Mr O'Reilly
may be informed that the matter will be referred for the favorable
consideration of the Secretary of State.
3. I forward herewith copies of the whole correspondence which
will fully explain the facts of the case and I beg to recommend
authority may be given to enable the Treasury to pass the
amount in
Mr O'Reilly's collectorate account.