No. 113
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch
No. 44 of
20th July, stating that
William McColl late Sergeant
in the Royal Engineers has represented that he has not received
the grant of Land
which it was agreed should be given to those
men belonging to the Detachment under
Colonel Moody who might
take their discharge with a view of settling in the Colony and
you direct me to cause enquiries to be made and to report to you
McColl's statement is accurate.
2. On referring to
Sir E.B. Lytton's despatch No. 14 of
2nd September 1858, I find that the Governor was instructed to
grant to the Non-Commissioned Officers
and men of the Detachment
of Royal Engineers sent to this Colony, "such grants of agricultural
land, not exceeding thirty acres each, after six years continuous
good faithful Service in
British Columbia, on condition of residence
and Military Service in the Colony if called upon."
3. I am informed by
Mr House, late Corporal in the Royal
Engineers that at the time the detachment was broken up and the
Officers were about
to leave the Colony, a paper was handed to the
men to which all those who wished to avail themselves of the promise
made by
Sir E.B. Lytton were desired to sign their names. Out of
the hundred men who elected to take their discharge only one was
found willing to undertake the obligations he would incur in accepting
the Free Grant. It was still open to the men to apply at a subsequent
date, and all such applications would have come before me in my
position as Colonial Secretary, but none have been received since
my arrival in the Colony. It is, I consider, very improbable that
men who are making from $3 to $8 a day would be willing to accept
so small a Grant as thirty acres on the terms specified, & in a
Colony where the acquisition of Land under the Pre-emption Law is
so easy and inexpensive.
4. I am at a loss to understand the reasons
which induced
McColl to apply to the Secretary of State for War on the subject, and
I regret that I am unable to furnish any report from the applicant
as he died somewhat suddenly about three months since while holding
a Government Appointment in the Upper Country.
5. It may not be out of place in this Despatch to call attention
to a general
feeling of discontent and disappointment which exists
among men lately belonging to the Detachment of the Royal Engineers
in consequence of a promise which they state was made to them by
Colonel Moody previous to his departure from
British Columbia, to
the effect that all men of fourteen years standing would be entitled
to a gratuity of thirty three
pounds, and that immediately upon
Colonel Moody's arrival in England the matter would be arranged and
the money forwarded to the men. It is now two years since the
detachment was broken up and no information has been received on
the subject.
6. The men whose names are listed in the margin
Jonathan Morey,
William Hall,
Alfred R. House,
James Normasell,
William Harvey,
Philip Crait,
William Edwards,
Matthew Hall,
John Simm,
John McClure,
McGowan—late Royal Engineers.
are those who consider
themselves entitled to this gratuity. I shall be
very glad, should their Statement be correct if the matter can be
arranged without further delay.
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient
humble Servant
Arthur N. Birch
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
Send Copy to the War Office for information so far as
William McColl. But there is a further question
as to the gratuity alleged to have been promised by
Moody to men of 14 years standing: and perhaps it may be
as well to ask
Colonel Moody for an explanation before
sending the Desp. to the W.O.
Other documents included in the file
Colonial Office to Under-Secretary of State, War Office,
January 1866, forwarding copy of the despatch and asking that they
investigate the alleged promise of
Moody to the men of his detachment.
People in this document
Birch, Arthur Nonus
Cardwell, Edward
Crait, Philip
Edwards, William
Elliot, Thomas Frederick
Hall, Mathew
Hall, William
Harvey, William
House, Alfred R.
Jadis, Vane
Keary, James
Lytton, Sir Edward George Earle Bulwer
McClure, John
McColl, Sergeant William
McGowan, John
Moody, Colonel Richard Clement
Morey, Jonathan
Normasell, James
Simm, John
Places in this document
British Columbia