No. 115
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your despatch
No. 55 of the
11th August, stating that you had received a
Petition forwarded to you from
Vancouver Island, representing that
the completion
of the
Bute Inlet route is most desirable in the
interest of the Colonies of
British Columbia and
Vancouver Island.
2. In the numerous despatches which
Governor Seymour had
addressed to you on subjects arising out of
Mr Waddington's
speculation, I cannot find that he has commented upon this
particular petition, but his despatch No. 91 of
7th July 1865,
and the enclosures which accompany
it, will have placed you very
fully in possession of the views entertained in this Colony
regarding the
Bute Inlet Road Scheme. It is needless therefore
for me to enter upon the merits of this Petition. One argument,
however, brought forward by the Petitioners may possibly claim
your attention. It is urged that the opening of a route by way
Bute Inlet would reduce the price of living and labour in the
Cariboo district. Any project that would be the means of reducing
the rate of wages at our Northern Mines should receive the warmest
support of this Government, but to entail a further debt upon the
Colony for the construction of another rival route, even if that
route were feasible, would certainly not tend to accomplish the object.
3. The price of the staple articles in
Cariboo during the
present mining season has
been so far reduced as to be little in excess of
their cost in the lower portion of the Colony and it is considered,
by those best able to form an opinion, that the present rate of
freight is so low as to make it impossible for any further reduction
to take place until the agricultural resources of the Colony become
more fully developed. With this great reduction however in the
expense of living at the mines,
which is at least 100 to 150 per
cent in comparison with former years no alteration has taken place
in the price of labour, and every miner who has reached
has found immediate employment at rates varying from $8 to $12 a
day. It will thus be shown that the great requirement of the
Colony at the present time is increased population and not increased
means of access to
Cariboo as the petitioners represent.
4. I
4. I consider the
Fraser River Route is now so thoroughly
established that had there been a possibility of
Mr Waddington
completing the
Bute Inlet Road it would have been a signal failure
as a speculation. The probability that the more Northern Route
would benefit the Town of
Victoria and at the same time damage
the trade of
New Westminster and the towns on the
Lower Fraser,
I believe the inducement held out to the Merchants and Traders
Victoria to furnish
Mr Waddington with the means of commencing
the undertaking. The same feeling is, I fear, the origin of the
Petition which has been addressed to you on this subject.
I have the honor to be
Your most obedient
humble Servant
Arthur N. Birch
Minutes by CO staff
With reference to our letter of
22nd ulto, sending
him the application made by
Mr J.C. on behalf of
Mr A.W.,

to him for his further information a despatch which
has now arrived from the Acting Governor and request to be
apprized of his views on the subject of the application. Draft.
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to
10 January 1866, forwarding copy of the
despatch and requesting his views on the application.