No. 16
I have the honor to forward a Petition addressed to Her
Majesty by certain Merchants, Miners and others resident in
British Columbia.
2. The Petition to which
the the signatures are attached was
drawn up in
Victoria in
February 1865. Printed Copies were
very freely distributed, placarded on every wall, and left for
signature at every Public House. After a lapse of more than
twelve months the petition has been presented to me for
transmission bearing the signature of four hundred and forty
five persons out of a white population, estimated at six
thousand, although, every opportunity
has has been afforded, and,
I may say, some pressure has been brought to bear on the
inhabitants, as well as the migratory population, to swell the
number of petitioners. The result of this attempt to foster
discontent has thus proved a complete failure.
3. The arguments used to arrive at a calculation of the
taxation of the Colony in
1865 are so fallacious as
hardly hardly to
require explanation at length, more especially as the Gentlemen
who formed the Deputation on presenting the Petition, stated to
me that they were satisfied the calculations were incorrect, and
that their only object in now presenting the Petition rested in
their desire for the Union of the two Colonies.
4. I regret I am unable to furnish accurate statistics
to to
refute the statement that the Chinese and Indian population
"contribute in a very small proportion to the general Revenue,"
but I fully agree with the remarks made by the Chief Magistrate
of this District, in a letter copy of which I enclose, that a
very large share of the Taxation is borne by these two Races.
5. As regards the one object of the Petition, the
desire desire
for Union of this Colony and
Vancouver Island, I am convinced
from the information I received during my recent tour in the
Interior, that the people of the Upper Country care little
whether there be Union of the Colonies or continued separation
and a petition of opposite effect to the one now forwarded
would be signed by at least an equal number of the resident
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient
humble Servant
Arthur N. Birch
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
This is not a very satisfactory
desph to lay before
t for it does not prove much in favor of the
projected Union of the two Countries. The plan must be
argued very much on Imperial considerations. The petition
is said to have been got up in
Victoria. If so it can
not be said fairly that it represents the wishes of
B.C. at all.
Mr Cardwell will give us directions as to printing
these papers for Parl
Laying this despatch & enclosure before Parl would not
help a Bill for Union.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Printed petition in favour of union, "signed by 445 persons."
C. Brew, Magistrate,
New Westminster, to
3 March 1866,
advising he could not accurately determine the amount of "excisable
articles used and consumed by the Indians in this Colony."