No. 19
I have the honor to report that extensive Gold fields have
been discovered on that portion of the
Columbia River commonly
known as the "
Big Bend," lying between 51
o and 52
o North Latitude. The discovery
was made in the summer of
1865 but
owing to the roughness of the Country and the difficulty of
access, the few adventurous Miners attracted to the spot were
literally starved out before they were able to prove the richness
of the discovery. The numerous creeks from which specimens have
been received leave no doubt of the extent of this New District
and the extreme coarseness of the Gold is sufficient in the
miners' theory to foretel the richness
of the Diggings.
2. The excitement prevailing in California and throughout
the neighbouring Territory convinced me of the necessity of
opening communication with these mines without delay and in
time to enable the Merchants to throw in supplies before the
"rush" of miners fairly commenced.
3. You will have gathered from
Mr Moberley's reports
forwarded in my despatch No. 14 of
2nd March, that the
navigation of the
Kamloops and
Shuswap Lakes and of the connecting
River is practicable for Steamers of light draught for a distance
of one hundred and ten miles. The Country lying between
Lake and the nearest point of the main waggon road is chiefly
open prairie, admirably adapted for agriculture. I have not
therefore hesitated to authorize
the construction of a waggon
road on this portion of the route. The Hudson Bay Company have
entered into an agreement with the Government to construct a
Steamer to navigate the Lakes at a fixed rate for freight and
passage money. The trail made by
Mr Moberley from the head
waters of
Shuswap Lake to the
Columbia River will answer all
purposes for the spring traffic and little will be done on
this portion of the route before the Country
has been more fully
explored. I trust the entire route will be open early in
at a comparatively small cost.
4. Until I receive more definite information of the extent
and richness of this new District, I intend to appoint
Mr O'Reilly
Gold Commissioners over the combined Districts of the
Columbia and
Mr O'Reilly as you are already aware from
Governor Seymour's
despatch No. 5 of
31st January 1865, was selected
to proceed to
Kootenay. He was so well appreciated by the Miners
and the General Public during the past year that I am most anxious
he should still retain his authority in that District and at the
same time superintend the new Gold fields on the
Columbia River.
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient humble Servant
Arthur N. Birch
Minutes by CO staff
The arrangements for the disposal of the Magistrates & the
Gold Commissioner must be left to the Acting Governor.
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to Emigration Commissioners,
28 May 1866, forwarding
copy of the despatch for information.