No. 72
31st October 1866
My Lord,
I have the honor to forward the Blue Book returns for the
year 1865.
2. The actual Colonial Revenue collected during the year
amounted to £116,106, as against £104,099 in
1864, an increase
of £12,007. Of this
amount the sum of £10,557 is the result of a
newly imposed tax of 1
d and 2
s/- an ounce on Gold exported
from the Colony. The Customs Returns also, show a considerable
The decrease of £8,318 under the head of Road Toll receipts
is attributable to an alteration in the law by which all Home
grown produce is now exempt from payment of Tolls and may be taken
as satisfactory evidence of the increasing amount of Agricultural
Produce now raised by the Settlers in the interior.
The pre-emption Law under which the Crown Lands are acquired does
not require the payment of the upset price, 4
d an acre,
until the general Survey of the Colony reaches the land claimed by a
Pre-emptor. No general Survey has been commenced, and the only
receipts under the head of Land Sales were derived from the Sale
of the few town and suburban lots offered for Public competition
1865, this will explain the apparent falling off in
Land Sales receipts.
The actual expenditure for the year 1865 amounted to £141,762.
3. Military Expenditure. £10,700 appears as the Colonial
expenditure under this Return for the year
1865, being a charge
made by the Imperial Government for Barrack Buildings erected for
the Detachment of Royal Engineers serving in the Colony from
to 1863. There are no Military Posts or Works, and since the
departure of the
Royal Engineers no further expenditure has been
incurred. A sum of £230 was expended in the construction of a
drill-shed for the use of the
New Westminster Rifle Volunteers—a
corps steadily increasing in numbers and efficiency.
4. Public Works. The discovery of extensive Gold Fields in
the most distant portions of the Colony has necessitated an
enormous expenditure in the construction of Public Roads when
compared with the settled population
of the Colony. During the
1865 £57,123 was expended in opening communication with
the several Mining Districts and £16,915 on Public Works. I
enclose a report prepared by the Chief Commissioner of Lands &
Works giving a detailed account of the operations of his Department
during the past year.
5. Legislation. The Legislative Council passed twenty eight
Ordinances during the Session extending from January to April.
No. 1. The first Ordinance extends
the period for which exclusive
privileges were granted to Mess
rs Janion Green and
Trutch to enable the formation of a Company for the introduction of Traction
Engines for the conveyance of supplies to the Mining Districts of
the interior. Difficulty was experienced in obtaining the requisite
capital, and the project is now abandoned.
No. 2. To amend the law of Evidence. Provides that any
Court or Magistrate in the Colony may, in Criminal
and Civil
cases, receive the evidence of any Native destitute of the knowledge
of God, or religion, or a future state, without administering an
Oath, preliminary caution being given that false evidence will be
punished as perjury. The necessity for this Law was strongly
represented by
Mr Justice Begbie after six years experience as
Judge of the Supreme Court of this Colony, and it is found to
work with much advantage.
No. 3. The principal of
the Customs Amendment Ordinance is
taken from the Canadian Statutes. It provides that the Duties
shall be collected on the Market price at the place of Shipment.
Under the previous Law duties were collected on all Invoices
from the neighbouring Colony of
Vancouver Island at the value
named in the Invoice, but on goods received from other Ports
than those of
Vancouver Island, an addition of 33 & 1/3 per Cent
was added by the Customs Department to the value specified in
Invoices and Duties collected at the increased rates. The
Council were of opinion that this system gave undue advantage
to the Merchants of
Vancouver Island and prevented the Establishment
of Commercial Houses in this Colony.
Nos 5, 7, & 28. The Ordinances relating to Telegraphs were
introduced under instruction from the Secretary of State.
No. 5. Gives power to an American Company to construct a
line of Telegraph through
British Columbia and to erect Block
houses for defence against Native Tribes along the line of Telegraph.
It further allows all Telegraph Material and Supplies to be admitted
free of Customs Duties for a period of three years while the line
is in course of construction.
No. 28. Provides for the incorporation of the Company under
the Joint Stock Ordinance and for the establishment of a permanent
head Office at
New Westminster. No. 7 repeals an Ordinance passed
giving exclusive privileges to the California State Telegraph
No. 6. A private Bill authorizing the collection of Tolls on
goods crossing a Bridge to be constructed over the
Thompson River
Lytton. The conditions of the Charter granted under this
Ordinance not having been fulfilled, the privileges have been
No. 8. American Coinage is in universal circulation and
Commercial transactions are conducted in Dollars and
Cents. The
Decimal Currency Ordinance was passed to enable the Public Account
to be kept in the Decimal system. The tender of Silver Coin is
limited to ten dollars. The Sovereign is taken at $4 85/100. The
Shilling and Florin are valued as 1/4 and 1/2 dollars.
No. 11. This Ordinance authorizes the Governor on the
Petition of, in his opinion, a sufficient proportion of the
residents of any Town or place in the Colony, praying for
Municipal Institutions to grant the same by Charter under
certain restrictions expressly
laid down in the several clauses.
The enactment may be considered as a tentative measure to supply
the place of a general Municipal Law which the crude state of
The Colony does not at present admit.
No. 13. Imposes a Tax of 2
s/- an ounce on unassayed and
d on Assayed Gold. The inability of the Revenue of
1864 to
meet the heavy charges for the construction of Roads necessitated
further taxation and it was considered that no more just tax could
be imposed than
one which would chiefly be felt by the successful
Miner, the entire Public Debt having been incurred in the construction
of Roads to facilitate communication with the distant Mining Districts,
and thus cheapen the price of living in the Mines. The working of
the Ordinance has however proved the mode of taxation to be unsuited
to a Colony so peculiarly situated as
British Columbia. The Miners
were enabled to draw unsatisfactory comparisons between the Taxation
British Columbia and the neighbouring Gold Fields of Nevada and
Idaho, where no such Tax exists, and thus a feeling of hostility
to the tax and a desire to evade the payment of duty was shown
which made it difficult to collect the Revenue on our extensive
Southern Frontier, and was a great incentive for the commencement
of a system of smuggling. Under these circumstances the Legislative
Council have during the present year
1866 repealed this
No. 14. Consolidates the several Proclamations, Rules,
Regulations and Ordinances which have from time to time been
passed respecting Gold Mining in
British Columbia.
No. 16. Increases the penalty formerly attached to the
sale or gift of intoxicating liquor to Indians. Under this
Ordinance any person selling bartering or giving liquor to
Indians is liable to a penalty of £100 and on a second
conviction for the like offence can be committed
to prison for
a term of twelve months, with hard labor without the option of
a fine. This stringent measure has proved very beneficial in
checking the sale of liquor to the Indian Tribes of the interior.
No. 17. Prohibits the sale during the breeding season of
Deer, Elk, and the species of Grouse which abound throughout
the Colony; while the Indians could obtain purchasers for Game
the destruction in the breeding season was immense
and Game of
all kinds gradually decreased in the neighbourhood of Towns.
No. 18. The Ordinance to exempt Home grown Produce from
Road Tolls was framed on a Resolution of the Council with a view
to encourage the development of the Agricultural resources of the
Colony. This Ordinance also exempts all Stores and materials used
in the construction of the International Telegraph from the payment
of Road Tolls.
No. 19. To prevent the violation
of Indian Graves; it was
found necessary to attach a heavy penalty to the offence. It is
customary with Native Tribes to decorate the Graves of their dead
with the articles most cherished by the deceased. Guns, Canoes
blankets, and many other valuable articles will be found deposited
in an Indian Grave Yard as well as quaintly carved images. Great
respect is shown by the Indians to these Grave-Yards and the
destruction of the property by White Men either
for curiousity
or gain, was found likely to lead to a breach of the peace between
the two races. The Ordinance attaches a penalty of £100 with
or without imprisonment for six months for rifling Indian Graves,
and renders a second offence liable to 12 Months imprisonment.
No. 20. The Bankruptcy Ordinance is an adoption, with
occasional modification, of the Bankrupt Law Consolidation Act
1849 with provisions enabling the District Magistrate in the
absence of the Supreme Court Judge to deal with uncontested
Bankruptcy cases within their own Districts.
No. 23. Imprisonment Exemption Ordinance
1865 abolishes
imprisonment for debt under a Capias ad satisfaciendum on a
Judgment except where fraud, intention to abscond, or improper
conduct in the Debtor is shewn. It also established Gaol limits
as in Canada. The law relating to Capias ad respondendum for the
arrest of absconding
debtors remains unaltered by this Statute.
No. 27. Is a consolidation of previous Land Acts with some
amendments for the promotion of actual Settlement, the avoidance
of litigation and speedy and cheap adjustment of disputes. It
also contains provisions for the grant of Leases for pastoral and
timber cutting purposes and a Clause enabling the Governor, with
the consent of the Home Government, and publication in the Government
to make free or partially free Grants of land for the purposes
of Immigration.
6. Pensions. The present is the first appearance of any
expenditure from the local Revenue under this head. The recipients
are the Widows of Officers killed in the Public Service.
Mrs McLean's husband was shot during the Chilicoten insurrection.
Mrs Ogilvy is the Widow of a Revenue Officer killed by a white man
whom he was about to bring the charge of selling liquor to
Indians. In each instance the Legislative Council voted a Pension
of £100 per annum for a period of 5 years.
7. Population. It has been found impossible to take any
correct census of the Population, and the return under this heading
is collected from the reports of the several district Magistrates
and must only be considered as approximate. Miners as a class have
no fixed abode.
During the Mining season they are to be found
scattered over an area of 400 Miles throughout the Gold bearing
range of Mountains. As Winter sets in many of those who have made
sufficient money to leave the Colony do so by the many routes open
to them and spend their money in
Portland or
San Francisco. The
settled White population during
1865 did not in my opinion exceed
6,000. The Chinese may be estimated at 3000, the Indians
35,000. To this may be added a migratory population during summer
months of an additional 3000 Miners. The rate of Wages both in
the Mining and Agricultural Districts averaging from $50 to $150
per Mensem should form a sufficient inducement to emigrants as
there is an abundant field for all classes, but while our system
of communication with the Mother Country is so defective and the
rates for Passages so exorbitant it is useless to expect an
of a desirable class of Settlers and the Colony must
still depend upon the neighbouring Territories to supply the
labour Market. The subject of adopting some scheme of assisted
immigration has been under the consideration of the Legislative
Council on two occasions but without I regret to say any satisfactory
8. Education. No general system of Public Education exists
at present. At
New Westminster,
Yale, and
Douglas public schools
are established and conducted under the supervision of a Committee
selected by the inhabitants. The Government contribute to the
support of these Schools and a payment of $1.00 a month is required
from the Parents or Guardians for each Child attending School.
The education of the Indian Children has been undertaken with
most satisfactory results by
Mr Duncan at
Metlakahtla on the
North West Coast, and also at the Roman Catholic
Mission at St.
Mary's on the
Fraser, and at the
Okanagan Lake in the interior.
More School houses for the education of the Native race are about
to be established. The expenditure by the Government on account
of education during
1865 amounted to £900.
9. Imports and Exports. The returns under this head require
to be taken in conjunction with those of the neighbouring Colony
Vancouver Island to form any correct idea of the Countries
from which the imports
are received and to which the exports of
this Colony are transmitted [as] hitherto the Colony of
Vancouver Island
has acted as a Toll gate to
British Columbia. The free Port system
Vancouver Island has enabled the Merchants to live more cheaply
Victoria than on the Mainland and
Victoria has thus become
the depot where goods destined for the
British Columbia Market
have been detained, only to be reshipped in small quantities as
occasion required. The
same remarks will apply to the shipping
return. The total value of Imports into
British Columbia during
the year was £497,734. The total value of Exports during the same
period is estimated at £612,266, including Gold which is stated
in the return to have been exported to the extent of £578,790.
This return must necessarily be incorrect, as it is only from
the more important Gold Fields of
Cariboo and
Kootenay that any
approximate return
can be obtained. Miners are distributed more
or less over the Gold bearing range of Mountains from the 49
to the 54
th Parallel North Latitude and the many outlets from
the Colony by way of the Southern Boundary leave it a matter of
impossibility in the present early stage of the Colony to obtain
any correct return of the annual produce of Gold.
It is difficult also to give a correct return of the Furs
collected during the year,
many Vessels employed in the Fur trade
on the North West Coast return direct to
Victoria with their Cargo
of Furs, and thus the return given in the Blue Book merely represents
the quantity brought from the interior by way of
Fraser River.
10. Ecclesiastical. But few established places of Worship
exist in the Colony more particularly in those upper portions where
the Miners congregate during the summer Months. In
1865 New Westminster was the only Town where a
Protestant Clergyman
permanently resided, but Clergymen of all denominations occasionally
visited the Towns and Mining Districts of the Upper Country.
11. Agriculture. A very erroneous opinion of the capabilities
British Columbia as an Agricultural and Stock raising Country
has been formed and the year
1865 may be said to be the first in
which practical experience has refuted the general opinion as to
the sterility of the soil. The large
and fertile tracts of land
bordering the lower
Fraser are gradually being brought under
cultivation; the expense of clearing the heavy Forest timber
prevents the Settler from more rapidly extending his agricultural
operations in this lower portion of the Colony. It is however
beyond the
Cascade range of Mountains commencing at
Lytton a
distance of 160 Miles from
New Westminster that the Settlements
are more extensive; there the Country opens out and the vast
and almost impenetrable Forest of Pine disappears. Large benches
of table-land covered with a luxuriant growth of bunch-Grass
border the Banks of
Fraser and
Thompson River and extend back
to the dividing ranges.
It has been proved by the experience of
1865 that by a
system of irrigation (rendered necessary by the Small amount of
rain that falls) this land will produce extraordinary crops of
all descriptions. The root crops are not to be surpassed
in any
part of the world, and the Cereals, both as regards the quantity
and quality of the Crops can compete with any that are grown in the
Mother Country. Prior to
1865 little attention had been paid to
the raising of Wheat in consequence of the want of Grist Mills
throughout the upper portions of the Country but during the past
year four were erected inducing the Settler to enter more extensively
into this branch of Agriculture, and
the Upper Country now produces
most of the Flour consumed by the Inhabitants. Should the Mining
population not increase beyond the present ratio I have no hesitation
in saying that after another harvest sufficient grain can be raised
to support the population. The portions of the Country adapted for
pasture are extensive and the grass known as Bunch-Grass most luxuriant
and nutritive. In the early days of the Colony bands of
driven in from the neighbouring American territories supplied the
Market, but the settler has found by experience that
British Columbia
as a Stock raising Country is unrivalled and a large importation of
Cattle during
1864 and
1865, has consequently ensued. This branch
of farming has proved very lucrative, and large herds of Cattle
now roam over the high Table lands of the interior during the summer
Months, and pass the long
and occasionally severe winters in the
Valleys with but little loss to their Owners.
12. Manufactures Mines & Fisheries. The extensive Pine
Forests bordering the Coast are capable of producing an almost
inexhaustable supply of the finest lumber and Spars.
Three Steam Saw Mills have been erected at
New Westminster and
Burrard Inlet and are capable of turning out 180,000 feet of lumber
per diem; a great
drawback to the development of this trade is
caused by the heavy tax imposed on the importation of Foreign
lumber at the American Ports on the Pacific thus closing our nearest
Market and obliging the Shipper to consign his cargo to the Markets
of Mexico, South America, the
Sandwich Islands and Australia.
Apart from the extensive Gold Fields gradually being developed;
1865 some rich Silver lodes were discovered
in the
District; the land has been reserved to the discoverers for one year
to enable them to obtain Capital to develop the Mine.
The Fisheries of the Coast remain undeveloped. The Indians
chiefly supply the local demand. Extensive Cod banks are known to
on the Northern Coast. Salmon abound in every river in the
Colony; some 1500 barrels were exported to the
Sandwich Islands in
13. I can refer with much satisfaction to the Police and Gaol
returns as evidencing the small amount of crime among the heterogeneous
community by which this Colony is peopled.
The Circuit of the Supreme Court for
1865 extended to every
Town and Gold Field
throughout the Colony; during the entire Circuit
only two Criminal cases were brought before the Court. The large
Indian population are peaceable orderly and contented and among all
classes poverty can scarcely be said to exist.
I have the honor to be
My Lord,
Your most obedient
humble Servant
Arthur N. Birch
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
Send copy to Land Board. Blue Book to Library. Print
this report with other reports for Parl
t. Ack: rec
This is one of the most satisfactory reports we have
recd from
B.C., & is devoid of the inflated coloring
the Reports were tinged with in the time of
Sir J. Douglas.
The discovery of the agricultural capabilities of the valleys
of the
Frazer & the
Thomson Rivers is of inestimable value.
Since /
65 more silver mines have been found the richness of
which exceeds those, as I am told, of Mexico.
The printed report of the Bd of Works seems to me
a very excellent performance for a Colony 8 years old.
Mr Joseph
How long hence do you suppose that this Blue Book Report will be in type.
Mr Elliot
If you think it
wd be more convenient to send a
printed copy of the Blue Book Report to the Emigration
rs I can have it put in type in a few days; but in
the natural course of things it
wd not go to the printers
for the next month or six weeks. Is the Report of the Lands
and Works Department to be printed?
No. I think that the despatch had better be put in type
& sent to the Commissioners in that shape.
Sent to Printers 8th March with a request that they wd send me
1/2 a dozen copies as soon as possible.
Mr Fuller
Printed copy of Report for Land Board herewith.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Chief commissioners report not on microfilm.
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to Emigration Commissioners,
16 March 1867, forwarding
copy of the despatch for information.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Wedgewood
Send the Report to
Mr Joseph to be put in type—and defer sending
it to the Emigration Commissioners until printed.
People in this document
Adderley, C. B.
Begbie, Matthew Baillie
Birch, Arthur Nonus
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Carnarvon, Earl
Douglas, Sir James
Duncan, William
Elliot, Thomas Frederick
Fuller, F.W.
Green, William Lowthian
Janion, Robert C.
Joseph, Sidney
Trutch, Sir Joseph William
Wedgewood, E. H.
Places in this document
British Columbia
Burrard Inlet
Cariboo Region
Cascade Mountains
Fraser River
Haida Gwaii
Hawaiʻian Islands
Kootenay Region
New Westminster
Okanagan Lake
San Francisco
Shuswap District
Thompson River
Vancouver Island