It appears to me that there is no ground for this claim. The
fees are not "chargeable with the salaries of officers" wh
are to be what the Govr thinks just. And the closing words of
the Act seem to imply that "the Commissr & other officers"
not "the C.J. Commissr & other officers" were to participate in them.
Accordingly the Govr has never assigned any salary to the
C.J. probably because he did not think it just.
But as obsd by the Col Secy & A.G. a subsequent Act,
passed while the C.J. was not in the receipt of fees, &, it may
be presumed, on the understanding that he was not to receive
them gave him a salary of £1200 a year evidently, I shd
say, in full of all claims on the public. Therefore I shd
say the claim shd be negatived.