Lugard to Elliot (Assistant Under-Secretary)
War Office
15th February 1866
I have laid before the Secretary of State for War your letter of the 9h Instant, together with its Enclosure from the Acting Governor of British Columbia, relative to the disposal of the arms & accoutrements left in the Colony by Colonel Moody, on the departure of the detachmentManuscript image of Royal Engineers.
In reply I am to request that you will acquaint Mr Secretary Cardwell, that the Secretary of State has no objection to these Stores being retained on the usual terms—namely the Rifles on loan, and the accoutrements and ammunition on payment of their actual value.
As this Department is in possession of no report shewing the present condition of the accoutrements,Manuscript image his Lordship proposes to charge the Colony half their original value at the following rates:
Pouches 133 at 2s/6d £16. 12. 6
Pouch Belts 133 at 1s/2d 7. 15. 2
Waist Belts, frogs, &ca 135 at 11d 6. 3. 9
Slings, Carbine, 133 at 4d 1/2 2. 9. 10
Belts, Colts pistol, 12 at 10d 1/2 10. 6
Pouches, do, 12 at 10d 3/4 10. 9
I am to add that in a statement furnished by Colonel Moody of the arms &ca which were transferred by him to the Colonial Government, Colts Revolvers and ammunition areManuscript image not included, although it appears from the enclosures of Mr Birch's despatch supplies of each had been taken over.
His Lordship requests therefore to be furnished with a complete list of the Military Stores in the possession of the Colonial authorities being the property of the Imperial Government.
I have the honor to be,
Your obedient Servant
Edward Lugard
Minutes by CO staff
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Mr Elliot
Copy to Acting Govr for his inf: & guidance in ansr to 1193.
ABd 17 Feb
TFE 17/2
Other documents included in the file
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Draft reply, Cardwell to Acting Governor, No. 8, 20 February 1866.
Lugard, Edward to Elliot, Thomas Frederick 15 February 1866, CO 60:26, no. 1679, 204. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

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