Cooper to Carnarvon
Forest House, Forest Row, Dalston
November 27th 1866
My Lord,
I have the honor to forward two copies of a Pamphlet
entitled, "
British Columbia and
Vancouver Island considered
as a field for commercial enterprise and emigration" (just
published for gratuitous distribution), intended to inform
the public mind and thus prepare the way for the reception
of a scheme of Emigration to
British Columbia.
Governor Seymour prior to leaving England presented to
the Crystal Palace Company a Flag Pole 140 feet high, cut
British Columbia, with the understanding that an
inscription should be placed upon it, stating by whom it
was given, from whence it came, and further that a Pamphlet
in reference to the Colony could be

obtained gratuitously
upon application at the Palace. The Pamphlet enclosed
will be distributed through this agency amongst others, so
soon as the Flag Pole now being prepared is erected.
I have endeavoured to avoid giving expression to any
statement calculated to arouse the jealousy of the most
sensitive residents in either Colony, and with the view
of still further preserving perfect neutrality, I desired
a Gentleman (
Mr Churchill) who resided for several years
Vancouver Island, and is still connected with that
Colony, to look through the manuscript before I sent it
to the Printers, and if it met his views to permit me to
use his name. To this request he was kind enough to accede.
The Pamphlet will I trust

prove beneficial to the best
interests of the new Colony of
British Columbia.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to
8 December 1866, acknowledging
receipt of the pamphlet.