Johnstone to Secretary of State
34 Sackville Street
London W
24th March 1866
To the Right Honorable
H.M. Secretary of State for the Colonies
Right Honble Sir,
At the suggestion of H.E.
Governor Seymour, I take the
liberty of addressing you for the purpose of seeking your
assistance in a matter, perhaps not directly of an Official
character, except so far as I feel certain you would be
interested in maintaining honorable contact and integrity
in all engaged in Her Majesty's Service.
My business transactions with him commenced early in
1855 and from the manner of his dealings I had every reason
to believe him all that I need have desired in a customer so
that to accommodate him I advanced him
£50 Cash in July 1857
on his acceptance at a month's date for that amount which
was duly paid at maturity, and in April of the following year
I received a further sum of
£60 from him, leaving at that
time a small balance of a few pounds only due to me.
In September 1858 his Account had increased to about
£20 by further goods supplied, at which time he informed me
he required another temporary advance of
£50 Cash, to which
I assented taking his Acceptance at a month's date as on the
former occasion. This Bill was renewed from time to time to
meet his convenience, without the slightest pecuniary benefit
to myself and the Account increased by further Goods supplied,
when in January 1859 he requested his Acceptance then falling
due might be held over for a few days and not presented for
payment till I heard from him again, as some unexpected delay
had taken place in some business he expected would have been
arranged and from that time to the present the only
communication I have had from him has been a request for a
further loan which I naturally declined, and all my requests
for a settlement remain unnoticed.
I doubt not that a communication from you will have the
desired effect of arousing him from his indifference to my
just claim and inducing him to act towards me in a becoming
manner and saving me from further loss than I have already
sustained by the rate of Bank Interest being so much in excess
of what I charge for extended credit (vizt 5 per cent).
Trusting you will kindly lend me your aid in this matter.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
Send copy of this Letter to the Acting Governor with
an instruction to him to communicate it to
Capn H.M. Ball,
who is Acting Colonial
Secy. Inform
Mr Johnstone ac
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to
29 March 1866, stating that the matter
had been referred to the colony.