Moody to Carnarvon
Caynham House
near Ludlow
26th Sepr 1866
My Lord,
I venture to trespass on your attention in behalf of
Cooper, a Gentleman in office in
British Columbia and at "Home" at
present on Leave of Absence but whose half pay has been suspended.
Govr Seymour, I believe, previous to leaving England
lately took an opportunity of speaking in his favour, and
his opinion in reference to this case might possibly make
any observation from myself appear almost presumptuous.
I really
I really would not take this liberty did I not possess
a thorough experience of
Mr Cooper's official and private
character and conduct, and that I happen to be aware how
he is suffering by his means of living being thus withheld.
I refrain from troubling your Lordship by entering
into details of petty Colonial matters and showing how
they have borne on this case. As you may suppose also,
and as is common in such affairs, it might be difficult
to prove conclusively what from my own knowledge I would
not hesitate to assert.
I can only venture to add my testimony
to what has
been already laid before you and to urge that this is a
case truly worthy of your consideration and worthy also of
your graciously sanctioning some arrangement by which,
Mr Cooper is no degree reflected upon, all that
may be required from the Colony in the communication made
to the Colonial Office may be substantially met.
It is due also to
Mr Cooper for me to state that
I know how strenuously and judiciously he has been
working here in England to advance the interests of both
Vancouver Island and
British Columbiawholly
wholly irrespective
of party feelings and interests and that, from the very
remarkable degree of local knowledge he possesses and his
quiet but forcible perseverence, I have reason to believe
he has been successful in doing a great deal of good and
removing much injurious misapprehension.
He is a very faithful Servant to the Colony and its Government.
I have the honour to be
r Lordship's obed
t Serv
R.C. Moody
Minutes by CO staff
The delay in settling this case is attributable to
the local
Governor Seymour was requested to
report upon it in the month of
July /65, & neither
he, nor the Officer Administering the
Govt in his
absence have attended to the orders from this Office.
I wrote recently to
Mr Birch a private Letter
reminding him of this arrear. As the matter in dispute
relates to monetary transactions

which can only be
cleared up in the Colony, I think it
wd be hazardous
in us to enter into or sanction any arrangements for
Mr Cooper half salary until we are made safe
by a report from the local authorities.