Seymour to Elliot (Assistant Under-Secretary)
I have had the honor to receive your letter of the
instant forwarding certain papers respecting the proposed
construction of a road from
Bute Inlet to the interior of
British Columbia, & directing me to report upon the project.
I observe that the question has been considered by the
Officer Administering the Government in Executive Council & I
feel therefore
somewhat reluctant to express myself more
favourably to the enterprise than
Mr Birch has done. I am
however of opinion that a good road from
Bute Inlet to the
Fraser is very desirable, but at the same I am convinced that
the natural difficulties of the country are so great that the
undertaking could not possibly turn out a remunerative one.
As regards the several applications made in
Mr Churchill's
letter to me
of the
11th of April, copy of which appears in
the papers you have forwarded to me, I would observe, that I
see no objection to the
Fraser River Terminus of the road being
at any point between
Quesnelle Mouth and
Soda Creek. Nor can
I see any objection to the road being continued Eastward from
such terminus, subject to such conditions as the Officer in
the Actual Administration may think fit.
2. I think the term of 25 years too long.
3. I should be disposed to view favourably any project for
the construction of a railway from the sea to the interior of the
Colony, but I am not prepared at present to recommend that the
"route shall become the freehold of the grantee." I consider
it however altogether out of the question that a railroad should
be carried over or through the
Cascade Mountains at the head of
Bute Inlet for many years to come.
th In reference to the application for a grant of land,
I am of opinion that
Mr Birch's offer of the
15th of November
Mr Waddington is sufficiently liberal.
th I do not understand
Mr Churchill's application for
the undertaking to be exempt from taxation. If he applies to be
relieved from any of the ordinary taxation of the Colony, I would
not recommend a compliance with such a request.
I write under considerable embarrassment. In the first place
I should wish to leave my locum tenens unfettered in the exercise
of his authority where no general principles of policy are concerned.
Secondly, because much as I wish to see capital expended in the
development of
British Columbia, I fear that the money laid out on
Mr Waddington's project would be lost. Thirdly, because though
I sympathize with that Gentleman in his pecuniary losses, I cannot
forget that his bad management caused a great sacrifice of life
& entailed an enormous expense on the Colony, and lastly
because I do not believe
that any enterprise, however, advantageous
in itself would succeed under
Mr Waddington's direction.
Regretting not to be able to furnish a more useful report,
[P.S.] I have the honor to return the papers you were good
enough to enclose.
Minutes by CO staff
See subsequent 146/1204/67, 2/3371/68, W/2277/68.
Other documents included in the file
Colonial Office to
James Churchill,
31 May 1866, advising that
the imperial government could not grant concessions in respect of
the proposed project.
Colonial Office to
31 May 1866, forwarding copy of
the answer returned to
Churchill as noted above.