No. 30
17th January 1867
My Lord,
I have the honor to report that I have constituted a Legislative
Council for the United Colony of
British Columbia, as follows:
2. In obedience to Her
Majesty's commands I have
re-appointed the Colonial Secretary (
Mr Birch) the Attorney
General, (
Mr Crease) the Surveyor General, (
Mr Trutch) and
the Collector of Customs (
Mr Hamley). The Office of Treasurer
is in abeyance on account of my having been compelled under
circumstances detailed in another despatch

Not recd in Dept.
to relinquish the
services of
Mr Franks. On that Gentleman's departure from the
Colony, I propose as a temporary arrangement to
Mr Young,
late Colonial Secretary of
Vancouver Island, in the office of
Treasurer, in order that I may make use of his local knowledge
and experience in the Executive and Legislative Councils.
3. I have further appointed on my own responsibility nine
gentlemen whose names are on the Commission of the peace, to be
members of the Council
st Mr Wood, late Acting Attorney General of
Island, to act as Solicitor General
during the Legislative
Session at a rate of Salary equal to that which he drew
when holding his late appointment. I think his services
will be valuable in the amalgamation of the Laws of the two
sections of the Colony with which I am now proceeding.
nd Mr Henry Ball is one of our ablest Magistrates and
acted successfully as Colonial Secretary during
Mr Birch's
temporary administration of the Government.
th In the appointment of
Mr Clement Cornwall, I sought
to represent the agricultural interests and to secure for the
Colony the intelligent but unfettered assistance of an English
Barrister and Gentleman of large stake in the Country.
Cornwall represented the
Yale Lytton District in the late
I regret to say that a pressure of private business will prevent
his attendance in Council during the present session. I hardly
know yet whether I shall have to fill up his place.
Mr Cornwall
is an unpaid Justice of the Peace.
th Mr William Macdonald is the Mayor of
Victoria. I have
placed him in the position of an independent Member of Council as
a mark
of the interest I feel in the welfare of our principal town.
th Mr Peter O'Reilly is the Chief Gold Commissioner of the
Colony and one of the best of our Public
4. I appointed nine seats to be filled on the recommendation
of the People. In this way, five to the Mainland, four to the
Island. The mode of selection was the same as that previously
existing in each section of the Colony. On the Island the old
franchise was retained and
the Voters stood on the Electoral Role.
On the Mainland the selections took place previous to My return to
the Colony and were made by Universal Male Suffrage of the
inhabitants assembled in public meeting—Indians and Chinese
however not being allowed to vote.
The following is a list of the Gentlemen selected and
st Mr John Sebastian Helmcken is the late Speaker of the
extinct House of Assembly of
Vancouver Island although a
vehement politician and disposed to consider principally the
interests of the town of
Victoria, I view his return to the
Council with satisfaction.
nd Mr John Robson is the President of the Municipal
Council of
New Westminster and ardently devoted to the interests of
the town he represents. He is editor of the "British Columbian" a
journal of considerable local influence.
5. It is allowed by general consent that such good elements
for the constitution of a Legislative Body have never before been
collected in these Colonies and I beg to recommend the Councillors
generally for Your Lordship's confirmation.
6. I have made the appointments for two years.
7. It is not to be expected that all will pass over quietly
in the first session of the combined
Legislature of two Colonies
whose rivalry has disturbed this Coast for many years, yet I allow
myself to hope that no serious obstacles will be placed in the
way of the transaction of Public business.
Minutes by CO staff
With the exception of
Mr de Cosmos (properly
Smith) I should
say that the Governor is most happy in the composition of his
first Council. They are practical & respectable men.
Acke & approve?
Mr Gairdner
Before we write to the Governor I think you had better
see the
desph of
Governor Seymours. The selections &
elected Members are good enough. The question may be how to
reconcile them with the Royal Instructions to
Govr Seymour—wh
were left unaltered when the Act

was passed for the
Union of the two Colonies.
Mr Blackwood
The Legislative Council is constituted under the Authority
of the 5
th Clause of the Order in Council of the
11 June
1863: and I do not perceive in these arrangements anything
inconsistent with that Clause. But this is now rather a
question for
Mr Holland than for me.
Mr Blackwood
I understand the Governor to have appointed of his own
selection 9 gentlemen—& to have further appointed

9 who
were recommended for appointment by the people. But in
the latter case, though the
Govr did not select, he
"appointed" & thus the case falls within the Order in Council
clause 5, & the meaning of the Act of Union 29 & 30
V. c. 67.
It would be well to see if
Sir F. Rogers agrees before
the despatch is sent out.
I agree.
Other documents included in the file
People in this document
Adderley, C. B.
Ball, Henry Maynard
Barnard, Francis J.
Birch, Arthur Nonus
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Brew, Chartres
Carnarvon, Earl
Cornwall, Clement Francis
Cox, William George
Crease, Sir Henry Pering Pellew
De Cosmos, Amor
Douglas, Sir James
Elliot, Thomas Frederick
Franks, Charles W.
Gairdner, Gordon
Grenville, Richard
Hamley, Wymond Ogilvy
Helmcken, John S.
Holland, Henry Thurston
Macdonald, William
Nicol, Charles S.
O'Reilly, Peter
Pemberton, Joseph Despard
Robson, J.
Rogers, Baron Blachford Frederic
Sanders, Edward Howard
Seymour, Governor Frederick
Smith, Robert Thompson
Southgate, J. J.
Stamp, Captain Edward
Trutch, Sir Joseph William
Walkem, George Anthony
Wallace, George
Woods, Richard
Young, William Alexander George
Places in this document
Big Bend
British Columbia
Cariboo Region
Kootenay Region
New Westminster
Vancouver Island