31st January 1867
My Lord,
I have the honor to state that I opened the first Session
of the Legislature of the United Colony of
British Columbia, on
24th Instant by an Address, copy of which
I beg to enclose.
2. I forward likewise copy of the reply made by Council.
3. Considering the state of antagonism which has so long
existed between the two Sections of the present Colony I may say
that the work of the Session is progressing satisfactorily.
Minutes by CO staff
Governor Seymour's address seems to me able, and it
may perhaps be hoped that in time he will moderate the
rivalries of the conflicting sections of the united Colony.)
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Reply of the Legislative Council to the speech as noted above,
24 January 1867.
Other documents included in the file
D.C. Maunsell, Private Secretary, to
18 March 1867, asking
that the despatch of
31 January, originally marked No. 31, be renamed