No. 39
I have the honor to forward Copy of a letter which has been
addressed by the present Senior Naval Officer on this Station to
the Secretary for the Admiralty, pointing
out how totally we are
dependent on the Americans for our communication with Europe.
2. Until recently a subsidy was given by the Government of
Vancouver Island to the English Vessel "
Labouchere" for carrying
the mails from
San Francisco to
Victoria and the Authorities of
British Columbia employed a Vessel under the American Flag for the
same purpose. On the loss of the "
a double Subsidy
was given to the United States Vessel in order to induce her to
call at
Victoria on her way to
New Westminster. The Conveyance
of the Mails under this arrangement entailed an expense of six
hundred pounds a trip: an amount beyond the ability of the now
united Colony to pay. As soon as the contract expired, I declined
to renew it. Not too soon—as the Government of
is still in debt to the
San Francisco Mail Company for ten Voyages,
having only paid the subsidy for two. The Government of the Mainland
had however paid all its obligations under this head punctually.
3. The Legislative Council has now placed at my disposal
a sum of twelve hundred pounds a year for keeping up Communnication
San Francisco and securing
the receipt of the European Mails.
I need hardly say that this amount is altogether insufficient to
secure the object sought to be obtained. We may perhaps induce
steamers to call once a month during the summer but we shall
have to trust to accident for maintaining our Communication with
the Mother Country during the winter.
4. Perhaps Your Lordship will forgive me for saying
some assistance should be given by the Imperial Treasury for
keeping up the connection between England and this important
Colony, containing as it does the head quarters of the Pacific
Squadron. The steamers which ply between
Panama and
San Francisco
are under no contract even with the United States Government for
the conveyance of mails and may of course at any time refuse to
carry ours. The Telegraph is in the hands
of the Americans and in
the event of a rupture with the United States the intelligence
would not reach this Colony or Her Majesty's Ships until it might
suit the convenience of the enemy.
5. I understand that the Royal Mail Steam Company is willing
to establish steam communnication between
Panama and
Columbia if 7 1/2 per cent per annum be paid on the sum of
which would be required to provide the vessels to keep
up a fortnightly communication on the Pacific in connection with the
steamers leaving
Southhampton on the 2
nd and 17
th of each month.
6. My own belief is that the Revenue of the Colony will,
after the present year, prove sufficient for us materially to
assist in lightening the expense of any line of Steamers which
may be established
under the direction of the Home Government.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
I do not see that any practical question for the decision
of the
Secy of State arises upon the contents of this
despatch. The
Govr reports that the late
V.C.I. Govt has
failed to pay its engagement for the conveyance of its despatches—he
observes that the Legislature of the United Colonies has
granted the (obviously) inadequate sum of £1200 a year for
the postal service to
San Francisco, & renews the oft repeated
cry of aid for a mail subsidy from the Imp
l Govt. Perhaps
some such arrangement as the
Govr suggests may be come to
with the
Panama Cy but it is for the Governor not for
this Office to open the negotiation as he best knows what
the finances of the Colony can afford to pay. On the whole,
therefore, I
shd be in favor of informing the Governor
that there is no prospect of an Imperial subsidy being granted
to the
B.C. mail service, and that this Office will be glad
to learn if any satisfactory terms can be suggested by him
with a view to an arrangement for the conveyance of the
Colonial Mails by the
Panama C
The Home Govt contribute already towards this part by
sending the letters as far as Colon.
I suppose this shd be sent to the Treasury with an
expression of opinion.
That opinion I hope against any Impl subsidy.
? use of Naval Station there?
Copy to Treasury & to Admiralty—asking for any remarks
they may have to offer.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
R.B. Oldfield to Secretary of the Admiralty,
5 March
1867, regarding postal service in the colony.
Other documents included in the file
Rogers to Secretary to the Admiralty and
G.A. Hamilton, Treasury,
16 May 1867, forwarding copy of the despatch for consideration.
People in this document
Adderley, C. B.
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Carnarvon, Earl
Elliot, Thomas Frederick
Grenville, Richard
Hamilton, George Alexander
Oldfield, Captain B.
Rogers, Baron Blachford Frederic
Seymour, Governor Frederick
Vessels in this document
Labouchere, 1858
Places in this document
British Columbia
New Westminster
San Francisco
Vancouver Island