No. 50
I would beg leave to refer Your Lordship to my despatch
No. 20 of
11th January. I therein acknowledged the receipt
from Your Lordship of a letter from
Sir James Douglascommenting
unfavorably upon the
British Columbia Customs Ordinance
I expressed my opinion that though I believed the writer would
wish the matter to drop, still it was better that my report
should be placed on record.
2. I sent a note, copy of which is enclosed, to
Sir James
Douglas. I forward his reply. As I anticipated he does not wish
to proceed in the matter. Our relations have
always been of a very
friendly nature and I have not informed him that I am in
possession of a Copy of his letter. Your Lordship will observe a
statement hardly to be expected in a letter from
Sir James
Douglas, he says—
You know as well as I can point out that this is not one of
Nature's favored Countries. It has few natural attractions and
will not thrive otherwise than by nursing
and careful management.
On whose reports other than
Sir James Douglas's did the
Duke of
Newcastle inform me that he appointed me to the Governorship
British Columbia without waiting for my acceptance, as he
could not give any man a more interesting duty than that of
developing the "marvellous resources of the Colony?"
3. I will not deny the statement contained in the second
paragraph of the late
Governor's letter, that the Colony is now
labouring under considerable depression. Anyone who sets his
foot in
Victoria will see that the town is going through a period
of considerable adversity, but on reaching
New Westminster he will
be much less struck by signs of decadence. The Police Magistrate
informs me in a letter which I enclose
that there is but one dwelling house untenanted
in the town, and in
further support of my assertion I add a portion
of an address presented to me by the Municipality of
New Westminster
on my return from England—
While we cannot point to any very great progress made by this
City during Your absence, it is a satisfaction to know
that some substantial advancement has marked that period, and that
the commercial crisis which has overtaken these Colonies
fallen with less severity upon this Community.
4. Proceeding Northward we find that in
Yale there is not a
house to let and at
Cariboo, still our principal Gold field, a
larger population is wintering than has ever yet passed the shorter
days of the year in its severe climate. Undoubtedly a good many
road side houses on the main line of road have been closed, many for
the not unsatisfactory
cause that the improvement in the roads has
so facilitated travelling, that places of halt are less frequently
required than formerly. The little town of
Quesnelmouth has been
almost abandoned in consequence of the road having been completed
into the heart of
Cariboo East and many habitations have been
abandoned on the
Lillooet route, as public favour has almost
unquestionably given the
preference to the rival line by
Yale and
Lytton. Here may I mention incidentally that I am not the person to
blame for the construction of competing roads, at a cost upwards of
a hundred thousand pounds to the young Colony, leading to a single
gold mine. The mere keeping in repair of which is one of the
heaviest charges on the revenue.
5. I admit that depression of a very serious degree now
presses upon the Colony. But I see that comparatively an equal
amount of gloom hangs over the neighbouring
territory of Washington
and State of
Oregon. The conclusion of the American war has
caused a change in the current of emigration; it sets now from
the Pacific to the Atlantic Coast.
6. To turn towards the reasons assigned by
Sir James Douglas
for the
present despondency. He attributes the depression to arise,
first; from the temporary imposition of a tax on the export of Gold.
On this point I have only to say that the tax was recommended to
the Legislative Council after consultation with the Mining Board of
Cariboo, elected by the Miners themselves, and that it passed
through the Council without one adverse vote. The principal
to its operation arose in
Victoria, where public
agitation has been matured into a science, and, had the mining
population been left to itself it is probable that either the tax
would have been endured without remonstrance or met with such
temperate opposition as would have led to its repeal without
attracting the notice of the whole Pacific Coast to our local
jealousies—a notice which unquestionably
inflicted temporary
injury. But as to the Gold Export Tax having "driven hundreds of
Miners in disgust from the Country," I must entirely dissent from
the Statement of
Sir James Douglas.
7. The tax on Gold has however been repealed and it forms
but the introduction to the grievance of the Customs Ordinance of
1865. The portion of the ordinance to which Your Lordship objected
is about to be repealed

Probably then by one of the 40 Acts coming.
therefore I would refer principally to
the reports from all the Acting Magistrates of the mainland upon the
manner in which the Ordinance has worked.
Mr Brew, of
Westminster considers that the Act was, "as it intended to be a
positive benefit to
this Colony."
Mr O'Reilly, of the
district says that, "the Ordinance referred to has not affected the
traders of the
Columbia district."
Mr Ball of
Cariboo West
cannot see "that
the Customs Ordinance of
1865 in any manner
brought about this reverse."
Mr Sanders of
Yale and
Lytton reports,
I am happy to be able to state that the description in
question (that by
Sir James Douglas) has in no way a general
application to the District in my charge for not one house is
uninhabited and not more than two shops closed—that commercial
matters for some time past have been extremely depressed, business
exceedingly dull—in fact almost
stagnant—cannot be denied, but
to ascribe the consequent embarrassments to the effects of the
Customs Ordinance is most absurd.
Mr Cox from
Cariboo East reports, "I beg to state that the
Ordinance referred to in no way contributed to the wretched condition
of the Country."
Mr Elliot of
Lillooet says,
"Whatever effect the Customs Ordinance may have had in other parts
of the Colony, I am fully persuaded that in
the Districts of
Lillooet it has not produced the evil."
8. I referred additionally to the Collector of Customs.
He writes,
that there is a change and a depression in the circumstances
of the
Victoria speculators it would be idle to pretend to deny—it
is just as preposterous for them to pretend that their losses
are attributable to the Customs Law here
and later in his letter,
The people of
New Westminsterare
are not losing ground. There is
no sort of political excitement among them. No people can be more
contented and satisfied with their Government and notwithstanding
the crisis through which we are all passing there is nothing to
discourage prudent men from looking forward hopefully to the future.
9. I wish to leave the magistrates principally to speak
respecting the operation of the Customs Act on the mainland,
but I must make a remark upon the eleventh
paragraph of
Sir James
Douglas's letter. He writes,
the first measure of relief which I would suggest to Your
Lordship and it will be hailed with joy by both Colonies is the
immediate disallowance of the
British Columbia Customs Amendment
It so happens that at this very time a Bill is before the
Council repealing the clause to which
Sir James Douglas so
particularly objects. Every Member from
Vancouver Island (now
united with
Columbia) opposes the reversal of the general
principal of the Measure. Had I not in deference to Your
Lordship's commands made a Government question of the withdrawal
of the provision, which, in the opinion of the Lords of the
Treasury imposed differential duties, I should be outvoted by a
large majority.
Sir James Douglas further writes,
There is no cause for rivalry; no act can
ever make
New Westminster
Victoria now is, a resort for ocean ships. Were
New Westminster would not profit by the loss, on the
contrary, it would be to her greatest possible calamity.
This is not candid. Since Union has taken place one of Her
Majesty's Ships, much larger than any merchant ship that has ever
visited the Colony, has passed repeatedly between
Esquimalt and
New Westminster. A vessel
that could not by any possibility enter
Victoria. Even when proceeding to
Victoria in Her Majesty's
Despatch boat "
Sparrowhawk" I have to drive five miles to
Government House
Victoria, whereas I embarked, on the
within a few yards of this house. There cannot be the slightest
doubt that
New Westminster is admirably situated for a place
of large trade.
11. There are still local jealousies, though mitigated a
little by Union. There are difficulties but not of my creating.
It was not I who expended enormous sums of borrowed money in
making competing roads to a single gold mine. Nor did I start
two sea port Towns. Two Capitals close together.
Sir James
Douglas's policy was clever, and may have been able, in the
furtherance of certain interests but it was in my opinion
deficient in the characteristic proverbially
asserted to be
the best policy.
12. It may not be alien to the subject to enclose a
return of the average prices of the principal articles of
consumption according to the values reported by the Magistrates
resident in
Cariboo during the years
1865 and
The steady reduction of prices is remarkable and shows that the
Miner has no cause of complaint against the Customs
Ordinance of
Minutes by CO staff
The Customs Act of 1865 is to be disallowed if an
amending Act is not recd before the 29th June. Some 40
Acts have recently been passed but not yet come to hand—probably
the amending Act amongst them.
Some of the contents of this despatch supply useful general
information on the state and prospects of the Colony.
No action is called for. Put by?
Ordinance No. 5 of 1865—disallowed by desp. to Govr No. 40
21 June/67—See Treasy/6015/66.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Douglas to
22 January 1867, declining to forward
the requested letter in light of the union of the colonies.
C. Brew, Police Magistrate,
New Westminster, to Colonial
21 January 1867, defending the customs ordinance
H.M. Ball, Magistrate,
Cariboo West District,
18 January 1867,
report defending the customs ordinance.
W.G. Cox, Magistrate,
Cariboo East District,
29 January 1867,
report defending the customs ordinance.
A.C. Elliot, Magistrate,
Lillooet District,
1 February 1867,
report defending the customs ordinance.
W. Hamley, Collector of Customs,
21 January 1867,
minute defending the customs ordinance.
Newspaper clipping, unnamed, no date, quoting the average prices
of the principal articles of consumption at
Cariboo as reported by
the magistrates during the years
1863 through
People in this document
Adderley, C. B.
Ball, Henry Maynard
Brew, Chartres
Carnarvon, Earl
Cox, Charles
Cox, William George
Douglas, Sir James
Elliot, Andrew Charles
Elliot, Thomas Frederick
Grenville, Richard
Hamley, Wymond Ogilvy
Jadis, Vane
O'Reilly, Peter
Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes
Sanders, Edward Howard
Seymour, Governor Frederick
Vessels in this document
HMS Sparrowhawk
Places in this document
British Columbia
Cariboo Region
Fraser River
New Westminster
Oregon Territory, or Columbia District
Vancouver Island
Washington Territory