No. 123
23rd September 1867
My Lord Duke,
I have had the honor to receive a despatch from Your Grace's
Predecessor, marked No. 13 and dated
15th February 1867, on
the subject of certain Acts which
had been passed by the late
Legislature of
Vancouver Island.
2. The objections to two of the measures in question taken
by the
Earl of Carnarvon have been referred to the Attorney
General whose report I enclose. I will however briefly state my
own opinion additionally.
3. I do not think that the Act No. 2 "to amend the Liquor
license Act
1861," works prejudicially. The suburbs of
are extremely pretty
and it is found a great relief to the people
to drive out and spend their holidays in the cheerful tea gardens
which are scattered about within a few miles of the town. There is
no destitution here and but little drunkenness. The American
system prevails of taking small draws at irregular hours. I have
not had any complaint from the Police respecting the rural public
houses in this
vicinity, nor have I witnessed any irregularities
4. The Attorney General is not favorable to the principles
of the Act No. 6 "to exempt the Homestead and other property from
forced seizure and sale in certain cases." It may have faults of
detail and yet I am of opinion that it has the tendency to promote
the settlement of the country. The measure was received with great
favour in the Legislature of the United
Colony and was extended
over the Mainland.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord,
Your most obedient,
humble Servant.
Frederick Seymour
Minutes by CO staff
The report as
to No 2 (Liquor Licence Act) appears satisfactory & that Act
might be sanctioned.
The report as to N
o 6 The Homestead Act
is not so satisfactory. The
Govr still approves of the
principle of the Act & the Attorney General strongly opposes it.
Since this Act was passed it has been repealed by a B. Columbian
Ordinance which however practically extends its provisions to the
whole Colony. For my view of the question I will only refer to the
minute on 10811
B Columbia—sent on herewith.
If the B. Columbian
Act is not disallowed, no notice need be taken of this
V. Island
Act since it is repealed by the Ord
ce. If the B Columbian Ord
is to be disallowed, this Act would (I apprehend) share the same fate.
I agree. Sanction the Liquor Licence Act—as to the Homestead
Act vide 10811.
I should sanction both. The latter with all its objectionableness
has the general will of the place & cannot be amended; & should
not be disallowed here.
Sanction both—but request operations of the latter to be watched
that if any of its provisions are found to give facility for
fraud or evasion of liabilities—necessary amendments may be made
by Legislature.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
H.P.P. Crease, Attorney General, to
11 May 1867,
reporting on the liquor licence and homestead acts.
Other documents included in the file