24th September 1867
My Lord Duke,
With reference to my despatch No. 126, of this date, I have
the honor to place in separate despatch with less reserve a few
remarks on the
desire of the people of this Colony to join the
Eastern Confederation.
2. A Resolution was passed by the Legislative Council in
favour of negotiations being entered into with a view to a union
of all the British Possessions in North America.
3. Though the motion passed through the Council without
opposition, there was but little warmth felt
in its favour. The
question is obviously at present one of great difficulty. It is
hard to know what benefits the Colony or the Eastern Confederacy
would derive from a closer connexion while the lands intervening
between Canada and our frontier belong to a private Company. The
Resolution was the expression of a despondent community longing
for change. It was
felt that no harm could be done by making
public the desire for amalgamation with English Communities so
much nearer the Mother Country, and that possibly some assistance
might be given by either England or Canada towards the making of
a road across the continent.
4. When Gold was discovered in
British Columbia and glowing
accounts of the
wealth of the Country filled columns of the leading
London journals a considerable number of immigrants arrived from
home, with expectations which even the vast natural resources of
the Colony could not satisfy. Most of those who sought their
fortunes here were men unable to make their way in Europe, unequal
to the labour which gold mining entails, without the business
requisite for the trader or the capital necessary to the farmer.
Many of them failed and have thrown the blame of the failure upon
other shoulders than their own. No immigrants from England now
resort to this Colony. The only English men who find their way
hither filter to us through California, and as adventurous
Americans still visit us the population is now becoming alien to
a large
5. It is thought by many of those who have made of
this their home, that the only chance of its becoming prosperous while
a dependency of a very distant Country, which helps more by advice
than by the substantial aid which a young and struggling community
requires, is a union with the more developed and apparently more
prosperous Colonies
on the Atlantic. My own impression is that the
main chance of keeping
British Columbia English in sentiment is to
furnish from home some pecuniary aid, some military assistance, or
help its communications with the Dominion of Canada. Even independent
of the great distance from the Mother Country natural features seem
to indicate its connection with the
Eastern lands. The Cascade
Mountains on the western side of our principal Gold Mines and
finest agricultural districts are more rugged than the
Rocky Mountains
Dr Rae, the celebrated explorer, informed me that there were
greater difficulties already surmounted on the line of road between
Yale and
Lytton in this Colony than were to be found between
and the
Red RiverSettlements
Settlements. The extraordinary natural difficulty
of the access from the Pacific to our best gold mines and
agricultural districts seem to point to an Eastern connexion.
6. I feel that I must necessarily write very vaguely on this
subject. It is for me merely to state the wish of the people of
this Colony and my own, for a fusion or an ultimate connexion with
the Eastern Confederation.
It rests with Your Grace to see if that
wish can be carried out. Merely to join the Confederation on the
condition of sending delegates to
Ottawa and receiving a Governor
from the Canadian Ministry could not satisfy the popular desire.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord Duke,
Your most obedient
humble Servant
Frederick Seymour
Minutes by CO staff
It seems to me quite useless to think of this question, till
the HBC territory is in possession of Canada; nor until the two
B Columbia & Canada have so extended themselves as to
warrent expenditure of money in roads &c. At present I do not see
what possible purpose could be answered by enabling the
t to legislate for
B.C. What they want is
meaning money or money's worth—& it can hardly be worth Canada's
while to give this yet.
I would acknowledge these two dphes (10836,
10906) and add that whatever might be the advantages wh mt in
course of time result from the Union of BNA under one Govt
& it did not appear to H.G. that any practical steps could be taken
in the matter while the Colony was separated from Canada by so large
a tract of unoccupied Country, at present in the posession of a
private Company.
I should say the consideration of that question must at all events
await the time when the intervening territory now under the control
of H.B.Co. shall have been incorporated with the Confederation.
Other documents included in the file