24th September 1867
My Lord Duke,
I would venture to call Your Grace's particular attention to
my despatch No. 127 of even date, shewing the exertions that are
being made to pay the heavy interest
and Sinking fund on our
London Loans, and the position in which the payment of the Salaries
of the Public Officers stands.
2. For myself I have only to say that were the Salary
assigned to me paid regularly I should have but little, if any,
surplus at the expiration of my term of Service. As it is, any
small savings I made in
Honduras have long since gone and I am
living on an overdrawn account at the Bank
on which eighteen
per cent is charged. Yet I cannot reduce my expenditure. I have
two Government Houses to keep up. Two Capitals in which I must
entertain. There are now six ships in harbour and a very large
number of American officers, including lately two Generals, here.
Some from
San Juan, others on their way to
Sitka. Two on a special
mission to me to
arrange matters respecting our Northern Boundary
and to concert on Indian policy. All these visitors, at least,
I am bound to invite to my house, as I know well how difficult I
might find my position here, if I once allowed the present
friendly terms which exist between our republican neighbours and
myself to cease.
3. Additionally, I have to contribute to every Church
and charity. To give pecuniary support to every public amusement.
4. I would venture respectfully to submit that a portion, at
least, of my Salary should during the present depression be paid
from Imperial Funds.
British Columbia is now in a position which
would be called in the neighbouring Republic that of a "territory."
Its population is small and
scattered, the majority I think consists
of aliens, and I need not conceal from Your Grace that the energetic
efforts now being made by the Americans to garrison the miserable
territory they have recently purchased from the Russians and
develop its meagre resources, causes, with some, a feeling of repining
at their connection with a far distant country which does, Your
Grace will
forgive me for saying, but little for them. A small
matter such as relieving the Colony of payment of a portion of my
Salary, say £2,000 or £3,000 would I am sure be looked upon as a
mark of interest. It would relieve me of some embarrassment as I
cannot help thinking as I receive each payment, what bridge the
money would have built, what road it
would have repaired.
5. Yet I cannot see how my pay can be reduced with the
important political and social duties I have to perform, nor do I
think the United Colony on the Pacific ought to be allowed to
degenerate into a second rate Government.
6. I do not propose the above as a permanent arrangement. I
believe that the Colony will relieve
itself in time from the present
painful embarrassment.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord Duke,
Your most obedient
humble Servant.
Frederick Seymour
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
You have all the Columbia Finance Papers before you.
Sir F. Rogers
I have transferred them to your hands.
Mr Seymour makes out
rather a powerful case for a Salary from Imperial Funds. Every
Governor is to a certain extent an Imperial officer, and it is
much to be lamented when any difficulty arises

about his being
paid both adequately and regularly.
Lord Grey used to be of
opinion, I think, that all Governor's Salaries should be viewed
as Imperial charges, like those of Ministers and Ambassadors.
This would doubtless be considered to be going too far, but the reasoning
might seem to vindicate providing such Salaries in difficult cases.
Mr Seymour's case personally is very hard indeed. To have to
borrow your Salary at 18 per cent interest—

being 9 months in
arrear is bad enough. (Vide 10837.)
But what is the origin of the
B.C. distress?—that the Colony
has spent profusely in roads &c and is now suffering from a
reaction. But this suffering is a very wholesome suffering—&
calculated to produce care & economy in the future.
If in every distress the purse of the U.K. is to be drawn upon,
the Colonies will be always in some distress or other.
If it was
possible to view the
Govr of
B.C. as charged with quasi diplomatic
duties (in the absence of any F.O. agent) or special duties of
representation—this m
t be a claim for Imperial assistance. But
I do not see that this can be made out to the requisite extent.

Therefore I really do not see that we can do anything. I think
however that the inconvenience to
wh Gov Seymour is subjecting
himself deserves to be handsomely acknowledged. Vide table in 10837.