18th October 1867
My Lord Duke,
With reference to my despatches noted in the margin,

Separate of the 30th July.
No. 92, and No. 93, of the 16th August.
No. 99 of the 4th September.
I have the honor to state that affairs appear to be in a more
state in
Cariboo now than when I last wrote.
2. Your Grace's telegram was telegraphed by me at once to
Mr Brew with orders to enforce the law at any price and reached
Cariboo the day before
Mr Justice Needham gave his judgement
and I have no doubt had considerable effect in assisting in a quiet
settlement of the case.
Mr Needham gave judgement in favour of
Flume Company and their adversaries, the Canadians, acquiesced
in a decision which deprived them of their Gold and of a rich claim.
3. I trust that no fresh orders contrary to the spirit of
the telegram will be given to
Admiral Hastings. On the contrary
I hope that the written instructions will furnish him with still
liberty of action should I unfortunately have to appeal
to him for assistance. The Records of Your Grace's office will
show how chary I have been of making use of any physical force
placed within my reach in
Honduras and elsewhere.
4. I may mention here that the moderation of my conduct in
the late affair at
Cariboo has brought down upon me an amount of
and invective from the
Victoria Journals which it is
impossible for Your Grace, without a knowledge of that town or a
perusal of the papers to imagine.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord Duke,
Your Grave's most obedient
humble Servant
Frederick Seymour
Minutes by CO staff
This despatch is substituted for one of similar purport but
numbered 140 recd 3 Decr 1867.
Substituted for despatch annexed by request of Govr See 11102/68.
Yes but
Mr S will not like them.
People in this document
Adderley, C. B.
Blake, Ernest Edward
Brew, Chartres
Cox, Charles
Grenville, Richard
Hastings, Rear Admiral George Fowler
Needham, Joseph
Rogers, Baron Blachford Frederic
Seymour, Governor Frederick
Spalding, Justice of the Peace W. R.
Places in this document
British Honduras
Cariboo Region