The Customs receipts seem to be
st quarter $ 6,730

The importation does not I apprehend begin till the summer
mining begins.
nd quarter 99,259
rd quarter 90,805.
The yearly revenue it may be conjectured will exceed £100,000.
The Revenue of 1866
(vide Blue Book Ref Reve & Expe) was 86,000£ & that of
1865 apparently (88,000£ + 25,000 =) £111,000.
If so I am afraid the Revenues will be very far short of the
$675,000 at which it seems to have been estimated (vide enclosures to
11760) as the receipts of the 2 first quarters of 1867 were only
The estimated expenditures (vide 11760) for 1867, (exclusive of
170,000 Temporary Loans) was 531,710—while the expenditure for the
three first quarters exclusive of repayment of Loans &c was
226,201—but this may have been & probably was because there
was no money to be had.