No. 151
27th November 1867
My Lord Duke,
I have had the honor to receive Your Grace's Circular (2)
despatch of 3rd September, forwarding an Act of Parliament to
consolidate and amend the Laws relating to vaccination.
2. Your
2. Your Grace desires me to consider and report whether it
is not desirable that a measure based upon the same principle as
this Act with such modifications as local circumstances may require
should be submitted to the Legislature of this Colony.
3. I am of the opinion, while fully admitting the value of
the general principles of the measure, that the machinery is too
elaborate and expensive
for us. Nearly all the "whites" have been
vaccinated and the Missionaries perform the same service for the
Indians. I will however take an early opportunity of consulting
the Stipendary Magistrates on the subject.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord Duke,
Your most obedient,
humble Servant.
Frederick Seymour
Minutes by CO staff
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