With reference to your letter of the
15 May last, respecting
complaints submitted by the Governor of
British Columbia as to the
inconvenience occasioned by the existing arrangements for the
transmission of the Mails to and from
Panama, I am commanded by my
Lords Commisssioners of the Admiralty to request you will state
to the Secretary of State for the Colonies that on communicating
with the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury on the subject, their
Lordships have decided that they are not prepared to authorize
the establishment of a subsidized line of packets, but the Postmaster
General will place himself in communication with the United States
Post Office Authorities with a view to see whether some arrangement
cannot be made for the transmission of the British mails by the
Steamers which it is understood have lately been established, under
contract with the American Government, between
San Francisco and
the Ports north of it.