I have laid before
Lord Stanley your letters of the
20th of November and of the
3rd Instant asking for His
Lordship's opinion as to the instructions that should be sent to
the Governor of
Vancouver's Island on certain points connected with
the cession of Russian America to the United States, and I am
directed by His Lordship to
state to you in reply, for the information
of His Grace the
Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, that he does not
see on what ground Great Britain could object to the establishment
of an American military post opposite
Fort Simpson.
With regard to the facilities respecting cattle requested
by The United States Officers,
Lord Stanley considers that they
should in common courtesy be granted, independently of their
being beneficial to the Colony. His
Lordship also thinks that
the Governor should give his advice, if asked for, to the American
Authorities respecting the control over the Indians, and that if
he could arrange the river limit it might be desirable to do so,
that is to say if the possession of one or more Rocky Islets is likely
to be of importance.
Lord Stanley will consult the Queen's Advocate as to how far
under International Law, the United
States are now bound by the
Treaty between Great Britain and Russia of 1825.