Mallet to Under-Secretary of State
Office of Committee of Privy Council for Trade
13 November 1867
With reference to my letter of this day's date on the subject of the
recent Session of the Legislature of
British Columbia I am directed by
the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade to request that you
will state to the
Duke of Buckingham and Chandos that they are of
opinion that it deserves consideration whether the 163
rd and the
th Sections of the 16
th and 17
th Vict. c. 107
not be repealed and the Legislatures of the British Possessions be
authorized to regulate the Coasting Trade of such possessions
respectively in the same manner as other matters affecting Trade and
Navigation viz: by Local Act or Ordinance subject to the approval of
the Queen in Council.
As his Grace is aware the clauses in question were enacted at a
time when the Coasting Trade of the United Kingdom was reserved to
British Shipping and when it was therefore consistent with Imperial
policy to restrict the Coasting Trade of the Colonies in a similar
manner, and throw upon them the 'onus' of opening this trade to
Foreign Ships.
But under the rule of Imperial policy now established it appears to
My Lords to be for the same reason desirable that while not compelling
the Colonies to adopt it, no provisions should be allowed to remain
on the Statute Book, which enforce or sanction the contrary policy
and if the Secretary of State concurs in this view My Lords would
suggest that a Bill for this purpose should be submitted to
Parliament in the approaching Session.
I have the honor to be
Your obedient Servant
Louis Mallet
Minutes by CO staff
Sir F Rogers
I forward this to you in the first instance with reference to the
other Letter of their same date reporting on a
British Columbia Act.
I entirely agree with the B of T.
So do I.
Annex the act or clauses referred to.