Milton to Secretary of State
War Office,
Pall Mall, S.W.
26th Jany 1867
I have to acquaint you that this Office has a claim of the following amount, on account of Stores supplied for service of Artillery Volunteers, British Columbia 19th & 20th December 1866 amounting to £141.1.3.
And I am directed by the Secretary of State for War to request that you will notify to me your acquiescence or otherwise, in the correctness of the Claim, on the receipt of which the Paymaster-General will be authorized to receive the proper amount of such Claim.
And notice will then be given to you to make the payment accordingly.
I have the honor to be, Sir,
Your most obedient ,Servant
J. Milton
Minutes by CO staff
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Mr Elliot
This is the bill for articles supplied to B.C. in pursuance of the Acting Governor's requisition on the 13 July last. The bill did not seem to me to correspond with the requisition, so a private inquiry was made to the W.O. & a note from a Mr Purbrick has been recd wh. I annex by way of explanation. I must say that I think theManuscript image Official Letter from the W.O. ought to have entered more fully into the subject—I mean as to what articles had not been supplied. Probably the Authorities will understand the matter better than I did, & I hope will pay the bill. Refer to Governor requesting payment.
ABd 4 Feby
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At once.
TFE 4 Feby
Other documents included in the file
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Draft reply, Buckingham to Seymour, No. 12, 7 February 1867.
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Colonial Office to Under-Secretary of State, War Office, 8 February 1867, reporting steps taken to ensure payment.
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Statement of stores supplied by War Department to British Columbia, 19 and 20 December 1866.
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J. Purbrick to Fuller, 1 February 1867, providing information regarding the stores already supplied.
Milton, J. to Carnarvon, Earl 26 January 1867, CO 60:31, no. 875, 103. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

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