Barfield to Buckingham
4 Plowden Buildings
Temple E.C.
11th June 1867
My Lord Duke,
Will you allow me now to enquire whether I may correctly assume
that the Deed of Conveyance of the Island to the Crown has been
forwarded to the Colony, and whether the Governor alone is now in a
position to make terms with, and execute a grant to, the parties
From the tenor of
Governor Seymour's despatch it would appear
that he intends to make himself better acquainted with the Island and
its affairs generally, the result

of which he will probably
communicate to your Grace, and so soon as his further Report upon my
application of the
7th of December last has been received, I shall
feel much obliged by a definite reply to the enquiries I was desired
to make by the Gentlemen whose object is to develope the resources of
the District of
Koskeemo previously referred to.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke
Your Graces obedient
and humble Servant
Saml Barfield
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
He may be informed that the Deed of Conveyance has been forwarded to
And I suppose he may also be told that the
Govr has full

power to execute Grants of Land?
I should tell him that the Deed has been forwarded, and that the
Governor possesses the requisite power for executing grants of land
subject to the rules and regulations of the Colony or to such
instructions as he may from time to time receive from the Secy of
I shd send out to the Govr, for his infn, Copies of
the letter & of the answer. It will keep him in mind.
Drafts may be prepared.
Other documents included in the file
Adderley to
15 June 1867, advising that the deed of
conveyance had been forwarded to the governor, who therefore
possessed the necessary power to make land grants subject to certain