Fraser to Buckingham
33 St James Square
August 9, 1867
My Lord Duke,
In conjunction with other Gentlemen interested in
Columbia I had the honour to transmit on the
24th Ultimo, A
Memorial to Your Grace on the subject of the site of the Capital of
that Colony.
2. It was suggested that if Your Grace should desire further
information on the subject matter of the Memorial or on the affairs
of the Colony generally, some of the Memorialists would visit upon
Your Grace for the purpose of furnishing such information.
3. As some of these Memorialists are about to leave
London; and
as we have not received any intimation from The Colonial Office on
the subject of the Memorial, I beg respectfully to call your Grace's
attention to the matter.
4. I feel persuaded Your Grace will pardon me for doing so when
I state that my interest in the Colony as a Landowner is greater than
that of
any of the other Memorialists—that I am pressed by many of
the Colonists to bring the matter of the Capital under the notice of
the Government—and that I consequently feel Considerable anxiety on
the question at issue.
5. The other Gentlemen who moved in this matter having left it
very much in my hands, I would state that the Memorialists, although
ready to meet Your Grace if required, do not wish to press a formal
Deputation upon you, knowing how much Your Grace's time is occupied at
6. It has therefore been suggested that I should offer to your
Grace such information as my experience, gained by long residence and
varied relations with the Colony may enable me to supply; and I beg
to state that I shall be happy to adopt this suggestion should your
Grace wish to see me.
7. I beg leave to avail of this opportunity to enclose for Your
Grace's information two Notes written to me by
Capn Richards, the
Hydrographer, on the question of the most suitable position for the
Captain Richards' testimony in favour of
Victoria confirms
the truth of the statements made in the Memorial on this head and
justifies the prayers of the Memorialists to have the Capital placed
Captn Richards' private character and professional
position guarantee any opinion he gives; but in this case, the value
of his opinion is enhanced by the fact that his knowledge of the
locality was gained by long personal experience while on the Survey
of the North West Coast for several years during which period he
Fraser River and all parts adjacent often.
10. In further corroboration of the accuracy of our Statements
as to the unsuitableness of
New Westminster I beg to bring to Your
Grace's knowledge the fact that in
June last Her Majesty's Ship
Malacca" when bringing
Governor Seymour from
New Westminster to
Victoria Struck and took the ground upon The
Sand Heads off the Mouth
Fraser River and remained there in a dangerous position for a
whole night, although the Ship had the benefit of
Captain Cooper the
Harbour Master's presence on board to navigate her.
11. It is added by a Gentleman in the Colony writing from the
spot and whose letter I received Yesterday that
Enterprize, one of The Hudson's Bay Company's Steamers, assisted
the '
Malacca' off the following day. Fortunately it was calm. Had
there been any wind the officers say the Ship would have bumped
herself to pieces. She has to go to
San Francisco to be docked. The
same Vessel received injuries in the same place—on The
Sand Heads—in
January last on her passage to
New Westminster when she struck twice.
12. To these recent accidents to the "
Malacca" have to be added
an accident which befel Her Majesty's Ship "
Tribune" on the same
Sand Heads on a voyage from
New Westminster by which she
was so seriously injured that she had to be broken up on her return
to England.
13. These facts demonstrate the unsuitability of the Site of
New Westminster for either a Commerical or Political Capital, since
even large and full handed Steam Vessels can neither approach nor
leave that place without incurring the risks of the gravest
casualties and of probable destruction; and, since Sailing Vessels
cannot be expected to incur such risks, as no insurance would cover
such palpable and notorious hazards.
Begging to be excused for troubling Your Grace with this letter
and for its length,
I have the honor to remain, with respect,
Your Grace's most obedient humble Servant
D. Fraser
Minutes by CO staff
I have the papers and annex a draft.
We know that the Legislative Council have passed Resolutions for
placing the seat of Government at
Victoria in
Vancouver Island. But
although this has been known for some time, no report has come from
the Governor. May it not therefore be prudent to write a short
despatch to
Mr Seymour saying that the Resolutions have been
brought under the Duke's notice by

private persons, but that His
Grace has declined adopting any conclusion until the arrival of the
report which he will doubtless shortly receive from
Mr Seymour on
the subject.
Is there any need to press for Report. Resolutions only came
through private persons & do not require further notice immediately.
I think the
Govr shd be informed of the fact that the
resolutions have been communicated by

persons—as prima facie—it is
negligence on the part of the
Govr not to have communicated them
officially by same mail.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Richards to
1 August 1867, stating that he had no
objection to "any one knowing the opinion I entertain as regard to
where the Seat of
Govt should be in
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to
13 August 1867, advising that no decision
could be made until further report had been received from the
governor, and declining to see a deputation on the subject.
Minutes by CO staff
Approved by the duke. For Signature.
Other documents included in the file