Kennedy to Buckingham
13 Landsdown Crescent
Augt 26th 1867
My Lord Duke
I venture to think that there are circumstances connected with
my recal[l] from my late Government, which have not been brought under
Your Grace's notice, and which I shall endeavour to state as briefly
as possible.
In the Year
1863 having previously Administered the Governments
of "Sierra Leone" and "Northern Australia" the late
Duke of Newcastle
was good enough to offer me the Government of
VanCouver Island.
Having accepted His Grace's kind offer, He impressed upon me the
importance of using every legitimate means to bring

about the Union
of that Colony with "
British Columbia."
Cordially concurring (as I did) in His Grace's views, I
succeeded in gaining the consent of the Legislature of
Island, as detailed in
Lord Carnarvons dispatch (No 15
October 1866) presented to Parliament in
May 1867.
Before I left England, The
Duke of Newcastle again pressed the
subject of union upon my attention, and very pointedly assured me,
that whichever of the Governors were relieved in consequence of the
union, provision would be made for the officer displaced.
Encouraged by these assurances, I laboured earnestly to
accomplish His Grace's desire and I think I can with some confidence
appeal to the testimonial of
Mr Arthur Blackwood, for the success
of my efforts in the face

of great difficulties and opposition.
The union having been effected, (mainly through my
instrumentality) I was recal[l]ed by the
Earl of Carnarvon, who in a
dispatch (laid before Parliament) No 3 dated
13h Augt 1866,
"expressed his regret at the unfavorable effect which the Union of
the Colonies would have upon my interests," and was pleased to say,
"I regret it (my recal[l]) the more because I am aware that Your conduct
in the Administration of a Government which has been by no means free
from difficulty, has been distinguished by good Judgment, and has
uniformly obtained the approbation of My Predecessor."
Writing on the same subject His Lordship was further pleased to
say "I should be
sincerely sorry, if this office were to lose for
more than a short time the services of one who has been so good an
Administrator as you have shown yourself to be."
Previous to my departure for
VanCouver Island, His Grace The
Duke of Newcastle wrote to acquaint me, "that
the Queen had been
Graciously pleased to confer upon me the distinction of a Companion
of the Bath, and that His Grace had much pleasure in conveying to me
on behalf of Her Majesty, this recognition of my Service rendered to
the Crown in the Administration of an arduous and responsible
Notwithstanding these (and many other) flattering marks of
approval, I am now

after 40 years public service, (13 of which have
been in connexion with the Colonial Department) unemployed, without
Salary or Pension, and
what I feel still more keenly) in a very
Questionable position in the Eyes of my friends and Relations, who
unacquainted with the peculiar character of the Colonial Service, are
at a loss to understand the reason for my enforced idleness, which
they know I can ill afford.
I think it must be obvious to Your Grace, that common prudence
would have forbidden my acceptance of the Government of
Island, and from labouring successfully for
my own displacement, had
I not placed full reliance on the frank assurance of His

Grace The
Duke of Newcastle, that I should not be a sufferer thereby: Nor
indeed would I have incurred the great expence of immediately
returning with my family to England, but for
Lord Carnarvons kind and
encouraging communications from which I have quoted.
I apprehend that there have been few, if any, Colonial Governors
similarly circumstanced. I incurred a large, and unforeseen outlay
on my outward voyage to
Vancouver Island, in consequence of the want
of continuous communication between "
Panama" and "
San Francisco," at
which places I was detained at great expence. On my arrival at
VanCouver Island," I was subjected to still further expence; There

no Government House, or other provision made for my reception, and I
was necessitated to reside for a considerable period (with my family)
at a Hotel, where the rate of charge exceeded my official Salary.
I have travelled, & conveyed my family a distance of over
Fifty thousand Miles proceeding to, and returning from, My
Government. I have been obliged to break up my establishment, and
sell off my furniture and personal property,
twice within five years, and on the last occasion at a ruinous
loss. On another occasion, returning from "Sierra Leone" on my
appointment to "Western Australia" I was shipwrecked and lost every
vestige of my personal property; and for none of these losses or

expences have I received any recompense.
I am sure that Your Grace will excuse me bringing these matters
under Your notice, seeing that I am unemployed & without Pension, in
the hope that I may obtain Your Graces support in an application to
the Lords of the Treasury for some indemnity for the serious
pecuniary losses which I have sustained through no fault of my own,
and while employed in the performance of important and difficult
public service.
I beg to submit a memo of my Service under the Crown,
And have the honor to
be My Lord Duke. Your Grace's
very obedient humble Servant
A.E. Kennedy
Minutes by CO staff
A powerful statement of
Capn Kennedy's claims. He certainly has
much right to look for another
Govt, and soon.
As to Compensation for baggage & property I know no precendent
in the Colonial Service. It would be better and simpler

if he were
offered, and accepted, a Government, & thereupon dropped the other
claims—which is rather late in time. In itself it does seem hard
that a man on public duty should lose his property with no indemnity.
Acknowledge & state that his claims for reemployment have been
before the Sec of State & will receive due consideration.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to
3 September 1867, advising his application
for re-employment would receive the due consideration of the Secretary
of State.