Torrens to Buckingham
Bath & Cheltenham Hotel
London Street, W.
24th June 1867
To His Grace
The Duke of Buckingham and Chandos
&c &c
My Lord Duke
I trust I shall not be incurring a charge of attaching too much
importance to myself if I trespass upon Your Grace a second letter in
advance of a claim, already submitted by me on
7th May last, with
Testimonials referring to my conduct of the duties of Clerk of the
House of
Vancouver Island. In that position I was not only Clerk of
the House, but also Clerk of General Committees, of Select
Committees, of Committees on Elections, of Committees on Private
Bills and Standing Orders, and of Committees of the whole House on
Public Bills.
It is right that I should inform Your Grace that I was the only
Executive Officer the House had, and that my multiplied duties
involved an immense amount of extra work (beyond the ordinary hours
laid down for Servants of the
Govt) from day to day, from year to
year, indeed during the whole tenure of my office
with exception
(say) of the last few months.
For instance one Committee alone, "the Commtee on the Crown
Lands of the Colony," lasted for a whole year, sat nearly every day
from 11 a.m. till 2 p.m. after which the House sat from 3 p.m. till 6
The Evidence having, for expeditions sake, been taken down
roughly, had to be copied fairly into a Comtee Book for signature
by the President; the Minutes of proceedings of the House into "The
Records" every day. Voluminous Bills, 40 or 50 in number, were
introduced during the Session, the debates on which I had to record
and the Amendments: fair copies of these Bills I had to lay up on the
table of the House in manuscript at every 3rd Reading. So much of
the day having been employed as shown, it is manifest that many
hours of the night must have been occupied in carrying my duties to
completion. During Sessions after the close of the Crown Lands
Comtee my time was scarcely less occupied for there were, nearly
always, Committees General or Select—which required my services
during the day.
The Sessions of the House in 1864, 1865, and 1866, lasted 11,
10, and 8 months respectively.
Early in
1865, and upon a vacancy occurring in the Treasury, His
cy Governor Kennedy sent for me and asked if I "would do the
duties of that appointment
in addition to those of the House, because—if
I would—he would give me full salary for both appointments" viz £350 &
£250 = £600 per Annum. This kind offer I felt it to be my duty to
decline, for my hands were already much more than full by the duties
proper to the Clerkship of the House. For the Autumn of
1865 His
cy Governor Kennedy sent me down as a Stipendiary Magistrate to
Bear River,
Clayoquot Sound" a rush of men having taken place
thither in consequence of statements made by the
Govt Exploring
Expedition of discoveries of Gold having been made by them thereupon.
These statements the event did not justify; disappointment and
much disaster resulted from them. Passages back to
Victoria were
given per Steamer to all the Miners except 5 whom I induced to go on,
in an open boat, with me to
Nootka Sound (130 Miles distant from
Victoria) to explore certain rivers debouching thereinto which were reported to be gold bearing.
This Service was attended with no slight degree of danger. Half
a dozen men, however determined, however well armed, can present but
a feeble opposition to the hordes of Indians who infest that
coast—notoriously, as they are, the most hostile, the most
uncivilised, in that part of H.Ms dominions.
Moreover, the country which we then prospected had never been
by foot of man (white or Indian)—the Indians of the district
even would not accompany us.
Governor Kennedy upon my return to
Victoria in "H.M.S.
Clio"—which had been sent to
Nootka to bring us
home—was pleased to express his unqualified approval of my conduct
of the Expedition.
On the
2nd Septr 1866, the 3
rd Parliament of
Island lapsed by limitation of time. On the
31st Aug—that being
the last day of the Session of the Legislative Assembly—the House
placed upon its Records a Resolution "That this House desires to
express its high appreciation of the ability and zeal with which
Torrens Esq
re has discharged the various duties which have
devolved upon him in his capacity of Clerk of the House during the
past three years." On the said
31st August, and within half an hour
of the passing of the above Resolution, I received notice by
command of
Govr Kennedy, that my pay would cease on that very day.
His Excy however consented, upon my statement that there were
yet six weeks work to be done in the office, to allow me to draw
Salary at the usual rate for the month of September—after which date
my salary as Clerk of the House was permanently stopped.
The Union Proclamation not having been issued by
Seymour till the end of
November, Representative Institutions,
dormant, existed in the Colony and the Clerk of the House was as much
entitled to receive Salary until that Proclamation was issued as if
the interval had been one between the lapse by limitation of time of
one Parliament and the convening of the succeeding Parliament.
Having borne cheerfully the burthen of my Appointment, having
exercised in it some self denial, its privileges ought, of right, to
have been extended to me.
Tho' Parliaments do change, their Clerks do not change, but are
entitled to draw Salary so long as Representative Institutions exist
whether the House be in Session or not.
The House rejected the "Supply Bill 1866" on a question of
Parliamentary Privilege, the Honble Legislative Council having
sent to them an Amendment to their Bill 1866 accepting their Bill
i.e. the gross sum contained in the body of the Bill, but rejecting
the "Schedule" i.e. the detail of its votes.
His Ex
cy Governor Kennedy thereupon stopped my Salary at
once—that Salary having been voted with the duties of "Auditor"
tacked on to my appointment—and a high encomium having been passed
upon me by the Speaker and the House in Com
tee of Supply. His
Governor Kennedy further re-imbursed those Officers whose
Salaries had been reduced in the Schedule of the Bill
refunding to
them arrears of pay so reduced in accordance with the votes of the
Assembly. I, however, had to suffer. The fault was in no way mine
that His Ex
cy and the Legislative Assembly were not in accord; tho' the punishment has been!
Other Officers under that
Govt who like myself, have lost
their appointments have at least enjoyed the Salaries of those
appointments until their cases were respectively decided upon and
gratuities placed at their disposal to bring them to England, while I
did not draw Salary from my Appointment for the last five months of my
sojourn in
Vancouver Island, was kept in suspense and unemployed
Septr till the end of Feby 1867, and was at length
informed by His Excellency Governor Seymour that my case would be
commended to the favorable consideration of the Right
Honble The
Secretary of State for the Colonies. A gratuity of One hundred
Pounds was given to me (and to the others) by way of passage money to
Under these circumstances, may I humbly pray Your Grace, when
considering the claims of Officers who have lost appointments under
the Act of Union of
British Columbia and
Vancouver Island, to allow
my claims to take precedence according to the date of the loss of my
I have only one further circumstance to mention and that is that
1859 I organised, and at great cost to myself, an expedition to
prospect the N.W. Coast of
British Columbia and the
Queen Charlotte
Islands. This Expedition was under my immediate command—we were
absent 4 months; at
Queen Charlottes Islands were nearly murdered by
the Indians. On my return to
Victoria I transmitted to the
Government a report of my exploration, which report was sent by
James Douglas to the Colonial Office, was forwarded therefrom to the
Geographical Society by His Grace the late
Duke of Newcastle and was
read before that Society at a meeting held by them in
June 1860,
eliciting their thanks.
Trusting that my case may meet with your favorable
I have the honor to subscribe myself,
My Lord Duke
Your most obedient humble Servant
R.W. Torrens
Minutes by CO staff
See subsequent Southgate/11738.
People in this document
Blake, Ernest Edward
Cox, Charles
Douglas, Sir James
Grenville, Richard
Kennedy, Arthur
Macdonald, Reginald John Somerled
Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes
Seymour, Governor Frederick
Torrens, R. W.
Vessels in this document
HMS Clio, 1858-1919
Places in this document
Bear River
British Columbia
Clayoquot Sound
Haida Gwaii
Nootka Sound
Vancouver Island