J. Watson to Buckingham
Dublin Street Chapel Edinburgh
23 Augt 1867
My Lord Duke
My Son as your Grace may know has returned from
Van Couver
Island on leave of absence. He occupied an important position in the
Bank there and so highly was he esteemed that
Goverr Douglas
hearing of his purpose to return home, came to him and pressed on his
acceptance the office of Treasurer of the Colony.
Thus to serve the Government he threw himself off from a
permanent position in the Bank of B.N. America.
Regarding his official standing as for life, he now united in
marriage with a young lady the daughter of a considerable proprietor
in the Island by whom he has two children. My Son with his family
are now here waiting an appointment from the Home Government or
compensation for loss of position by the amalgamation of the
My Son's appointment was duly confirmed by Her Majesty his
appointment therefore unrepealed.
I cannot believe that when the case is
shewn to Your Grace in
these few words that you will allow my Son to come to loss by the
change which has taken place in years subsequent to his appointment
to office. I consider that the honor of our Government is involved in
this case and I shall not believe that when the hardship of it is
thus briefly laid before Your Grace, Your Grace will permit it to be
passed over without justice being done to my excellent son
I have the honor to remain
My Lord Duke
Your Grace's humble S
Jonathan Watson V.D.M.
Minutes by CO staff
One must be very patient of the unreasonableness of people about
their personal claims: otherwise one might call the view which
Watson and his father take of his case almost imprudent.
He held for a short time an appointment in
Vancouver which broke
down by an inevitable consolidation of Offices. But he was then and
there offered a post of the same value in the same place, although
inevitably not bearing a designation of equally high rank. He chose
to refuse it, and was granted a passage home at the
public expense:
and now he and his father write as if he were a much injured man.
I should acquaint the father that when
Mr Watson's former
appointment, after about 5 years service, came to an end by an
inevitable consolidation of Offices, he was offered employment at
precisely the same income in the same place. He voluntarily declined
it, and was thereupon allowed the favor of a passage home at the
public expense. The Secretary of State must therefore entirely deny
the statement that
Mr Watson has been treated with any injustice.
He may or may not
receive future employment if an opportunity should
happen to occur, but he has no claim whatever on this Department.