With reference to the Acting Governor's Despatch No. 65 of the
of October last, I have the honor to transmit to you, for your
information and guidance, copies of a correspondence between this
Department and the Board of Treasury, relative to the payment of the
amount of
compensation awarded to Messrs.
Clark and
Skinner on account
of the premature termination of their contract for the supply of meat to
the Royal Engineers.
You will observe that Her Majesty's Government have sanctioned the
liquidation of the Contractors claim from Imperial Funds, and I have
therefore to authorize you to pay the Messrs
Clark and
Skinner the sum
of £568 being the amount of compensation awarded in
Mr. Trutch's Report.
Immediately upon hearing from you that the
payment has been made,
the same amount will be placed in the hands of the Crown Agents to the
credit of the Colony.