In the Despatch of my Predecessor of the
16th July 1866 on the
subject of the Ordinance No. 3 of
1865, "To amend the Duties of
Customs" the Officer then Administering the Government of
Columbia was informed that
The Queen would be advised to disallow
that Law, unless such a course should be rendered unnecessary by the
amendment of the Ordinance in accordance with the views of Her
Majesty's Government before the expiration of the term of two years
from the date of its receipt by the Secretary of State on the
29th of
June 1865, as provided by Order in Council dated the
11th June 1863.
I regret that these Amendments have not been made, so that I
might have been spared the necessity of advising Her Majesty to
disallow that Ordinance. I have delayed giving this advice until the
last moment but
as, although your Despatch of the
18th March
intimates that a Bill upon this subject has been brought before the
Council, no amending Ordinance has been received, I have felt
obliged, in pursuance of the intimation given by My Predecessor, to
recommend Her Majesty that the Ordinance No. 3 of
1865 should be
disallowed, I have to inform you that Her Majesty has been pleased to
approve that recommendation and has disallowed that Ordinance.