No. 67
I have to acknowledge your Despatch No. 87 of the
13th of July
last, from which I learn that you are not yet prepared to recommend
the adoption either of
Victoria or of
New Westminster as the Capital of
British Columbia.
I leave the determination of this question still in your hands
merely desiring that it may not be long delayed.
I take the opportunity of forwarding to you various documents
which may affect your judgment, but which I have not hitherto sent to
you because I was expecting from you a definite recommendation on the
subject to which they related.
As the second paragraph of your Despatch contains something like an
appeal to me for an expression of opinion, I
think it requisite to say
that the establishment of
New Westminster as the Capital of
Columbia did not in my opinion involve any pledge on the part of the
Government that the site of that Capital shall never be moved. It is of
course always undesirable to disappoint natural expectations, and much
consideration may be due to those who are so disappointed. But every
land-purchaser in
New Westminster or any other locality must be
considered to buy his land, subject to the
possible changes which the
varying political or Commercial interests of the whole community may
from time to time render necessary.
I will add that although I do not prescribe to you the choice of
one or the other Capital, you will be at liberty, in case you should
decide in favor of
Victoria to quote the authority of the Home
Government in support of that course.